PC Building Simulator 2 sets a new benchmark for simulation games. The attention to detail, the ease of play, the presentation – everything is second to none, and we can’t get enough. Dexerto 張貼者:Dylan Horetski 8 / 10 It’s safe to say that Spiral House knocked it out of the...
这款名为《装机模拟器(PC Building Simulator)》的游戏由McINTYRE打造,它可以模拟一台现实中的PC,里面的各种部件都能够进行拆卸安装,如同现实中组装PC一样。《装机模拟器》演示: 播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY0MjA3ODc0MA==.html游戏的开始会给你一台空壳机箱,然后打开菜单...
What is PC Building Simulator 2? Grow your empire as you learn to repair, build and customize PCs at the next level. Experience deeper simulation, an upgraded career mode, and powerful new customisation features. Use realistic parts from 40+ hardware brands to bring your ultimate PC to life....
Log inRegister HomePC Building Simulator 2Collections Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button.Learn more about collections. Vortex Mod manager for installing collections Download Vortex Hide filters High (75% - 100%)(0) Medium (50% - 74%)(0) ...
PC Building Simulator 2:探索装机世界的职业与创意之旅 关于《PC Building Simulator 2》-装机模拟器2在职业模式(Career Mode)中,你将开启一段属于自己的PC业务之旅。你需要学习如何专业地组装并修复PC,逐步升级你的工作间,并随着升级解锁更多先进的工具与设备。通过你的努力,赚取丰厚的利润,并为顾客们提供...
装机模拟器V1.8...包含DLCPC Building Simulator –优秀的公司案例PC Building Simulator –超频版内容PC Building Simulator – Razer工作坊PC Bu
装机模拟器 PC B..v1.6.5.2 具体有什么功能不介绍了,反正是2020最新版本,全dlc解锁。还有,刚安装好打开是俄语。点击左下角 设置(齿轮),点第1个选项,选倒数第三个“Y...”。如图
游戏名称:装机模拟器2 英文名称:PC Building Simulator 2 游戏类型:模拟经营类(SIM)游戏 游戏制作:...
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