Track PC game frame rates with this free, easy-to-use FPS monitor, perform FPS tests, get upgrade advice, and see which games your PC setup can run.
PC Game Benchmark - FPS MonitorBy Network N Media Download on Overwolf Free Contains Ads Can your PC handle the games that everyone's talking about? Reviews 3.7 Downloads77.1K App Platforms About the App Can your system handle the games that everyone's talking about? Find out with PC Ga...
2. 游戏第一关没打就运行benchmark会出错,我在主界面进入setting跑benchmark也会出错,,,所以要在完成第一个任务以后,在游戏中点benchmark运行。benchmark结果在我的文档的rockstar games\GTAV里。3. 大家都知道的,windows用户名里不能有奇怪字符一些设置/优化心得设置1. 最吃性能的是MSAATXAA(废话...)和草地...
Find out how your PC ranks up to others. Rate your PC. PCGameBenchmark compares your computer to thousands of configurations to give it a score, based on how many of the top 1000 PC games you can run at recommended level. And we run an FPS calculator too
不仅中低端显卡受影响,连刚发布的高端显卡RTX 5080也未能在4K最高画质下稳定运行。据wccftech消息,MxBenchmarkPC的实测结果显示,RTX 5080在4K最高画质下勉强维持60FPS,由此来看,《怪物猎人:荒野》PC版的优化问题不容忽视。 数毛社指出,就像《最后生还者》PC版等灾难性首发案例一样,《怪物猎人:荒野》同样存在画质与...
不仅中低端显卡受影响,连刚发布的高端显卡RTX 5080也未能在4K最高画质下稳定运行。据wccftech消息,MxBenchmarkPC的实测结果显示,RTX 5080在4K最高画质下勉强维持60FPS,由此来看,《怪物猎人:荒野》PC版的优化问题不容忽视。 数毛社指出,就像《最后生还者》PC版等灾难性首发案例一样,《怪物猎人:荒野》同样存在画质与...
Overclocking Utility with In-Game FPS Counter, Windows Compatible (Free) MSI Afterburneris a renowned overclocking utility and benchmarking tool specifically designed for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Developed by Micro-Star International, a trusted name in the gaming and hardware industry, MSI Af...
介绍一下自己的跑分机器:外星人17R4 7820HK+8G+1080版本,由于外星人的坑爹散热问题,我并没有解锁180w的功耗,用的是非满血版1080跑的benchmark。运行过程中用MSI Afterburner检测了FPS,CPU和GPU的各项数据。我最开始测试的是1080P高画质,最终得分6900,和1070Ti持平,与1080标准分7500有一定差距。个人感觉主要在几...
作为实验,测试者也让benchmark在原生4K下运行,让人惊讶的是,它成功达到了平均33.5帧。不过偶尔帧率会掉到20左右,benchmark最低时达到了26.1帧。 4K 在索尼发布会上,官方宣称PS4 Pro可以运行4K游戏,究竟是以原生2160P的分辨率运行还是将画面从较低分辨率下升格到4K目前尚未确认。不过Gamespot的测试者决定自己“试试...
The FPS (Frames Per Second) that your PC runs at when gaming is an important performance metric to know for various reasons. Whether you want to benchmark a new CPU or GPU purchase, troubleshoot poor performance, or you're simply curious as to how your gaming PC is performing, in this...