目前厂商懒狗,很久没有新的pc游戏适配ps5手柄了,上一个还是绝地幸存者。首先是游戏必须适配,第二是必须有线连接才能体验全部功能 来自Android客户端15楼2023-06-24 10:46 回复 小呆呆娶斯 疯狂加一 10 https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Controller:DualSense可以看看這個,這是所有支持自適應扳機和震動反饋的遊...
一个帖子彻底解决任何..首先第一句话,没PS5不要购买Dualsense 没PS4不要购买Dualshock 4,在PC上能直插直玩的永远是Xbox如果你就为了那个触摸板 自适应板机 线性马达而购买了,发现各种兼容性问题,没
Solved: Connected ps5 controller to pc, wired or wireless is the same. On car selection menu it'll bounce back to the first selection, hence I can't
Re: PS5 Controller support on PC #51 December 2022 Options Dolac84 ★★ Novice @ZjemCiKolege wrote:@Dolac84what are you talking about ds4windows keeps getting updates last was 7 days ago ;-) Yea I see that now, I was basing my information on the maintaining of DS4Win on what I...
2. 打开 HidHide,单击设备选项卡,然后禁用 Sony Interactive (PS5) 控制器。如果您将顶部控制器用作控制器的虚拟输出,则顶部控制器也可以命名为 Xbox(这是默认设置,但我希望将其用作 PS4)。选择后,单击底部的启用设备隐藏。现在将仅使用克隆的控制器输出。 好了,在禁用 Sony Interactive 输入的情况下,它应该只...
Steam Link串流(省流):打开Steam-设置-远程畅玩-启动远程畅玩-打开高级主机选项,按照图中把能勾选的...
Controller:DualSense - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game 4楼2024-09-07 20:28 收起回复 建盏乌托邦 黑色沙漠 8 Steam可以用任何手柄包括switch手柄其实国产也有很多精英手柄非常不错. 来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-09-15 20:27 回复 扫...
steam怎么可能升级ps5手柄,用大法自己的工具 https://controller.dl.playstatio ... ang/cs/2100004....
ps5手柄通过数据线连接PC如果需要体验到自适应扳机和触觉反馈,参考这个游戏列表:Controller:DualSense - ...
Step 3: Using the PS5 controller in Xbox Game Pass on PC With everything set up, your DualSense should now work properly with Xbox Game Pass games. Open the Xbox Game Pass PC app. Pick a game and hit“Play”. Most games will recognize the DualSense and take your commands. But, the ...