估计是混合了target assist和aim assist吧……然后翻译统称为“辅助瞄准”,引起混乱…… 应该直译为“目标辅助”和“瞄准辅助”。实际上多人游戏里没有“自瞄”般的aim assist,而只有“辅助”的target assist……target assist又有两个功能:slowdown,rotation. 准星划过目标时,准星速度放慢;如果目标移动过准星,根据距...
Aim assist on pc with a controller. Every time I go to shoot at a person in game the aim assist locks on to everything but the person. Especially in close range gun fights with a lot of movement. 1 person had this problem. 2 + XP Me too #2 June 2023 Options ...
This is an unofficial petition. PC Players are done with this non sense. Get rid of aim assist and Crossplay on PC or give up the option to opt out of cross play and disable aim assist on PC lobbies. 5 people had this problem. ...
WHY? Are we constantly being forced on PC to play with Controller aim assist in every shooter. This is a PC MNK game. Controller on PC never got aim assist. Now I can’t even enjoy this game casually anymore. Good job bli…
Get AimBot for Free Jarod Stuart Software product is tool for gamers that assists in shooting and managing mouse and keyboard, with goal of improving performance on game. AimBot computer is a software application for Overwatch that aims for Overwatch players. Software product has a random mode...
Dirty Bomb is one of the best hero shooters to land on the Steam platform. And despite being released seven years ago, the game’s fast-paced gameplay, and online PvP all offer an enjoyable shooting experience. The lack of any controller support or aim assist makes Dirty Bomb a challenging...
制作发行: aimstein 简介: 这是一款3D多人联机合作对抗的策略博弈游戏,每个人在游戏中代表一方势力或者扮演一名角色,为最终的胜利进行合作或对抗,游戏内置诸多经典策略博弈游戏和创新玩法,玩家可以在一次次头脑风暴中获得与人智斗、解开谜题的畅快体验。同时游戏提供对应的编辑器系统,玩家可以自己动手打造自己的智斗游戏...
for PS5 Video Game Keyboard Mouse Converter For Consoles: PS3, PS4, PS5, XBox360, XBox One, XBox Series(S/X), Switch,PC * Wired Connection * Keymapping app, programmable * Rgb light effect * External Power in, support high power keyboard and Mouse * Aim assist functionSorry...
Aim: Warmup is a game to assist your aim in games like Valorant, CS: GO, Quake, and Overwatch. This software has been tested, immediately after using the software a user was able to clutch pistol round in Valorant with absurd accuracy and headshots. ...
It's there in the menu as an option to choose but I've tested it in the portal aim trainer and it doesn't work at all. I'm sorry but someone using a controller on pc needs all the aim assist options they can take to be able to compete against mnk players. The lack of it is...