Antec is the global leader in high-performance computer components and accessories for the gaming PC.
Le FPS rétro Warhammer 40,000 : Boltgun sortira le 23 mai sur PC, PlayStation et Xbox. Développé par Auroch Digital, plus connu pour son respectable jeu de gestion d’agence spatiale Mars Horizon (dont la suite est dans les tuyaux), il avait été ann
The Sinking City 2, le jeu d'enquête lovecraftien développé par Frogwares, vient de faire l'objet d'une campagne Kickstarter : l'objectif de 100 000 euros a été explosé en l'espace d'une journée – ce qui est une excellente nouvelle pour le studio ukrainien mais aussi les fans de...
Verdict: IPTV allows you to stream TV channels directly to a compatible device. It has a nice user interface that allows you to easily search for the desired content.Price:Starts at €4.08 ($4.80) per month.Note: Pricing is only available in Euros.#15) RisingIPTV...
In 2001, Bayer began building an integrated factory in Shanghai, China. In 2010, the company invested another approximately 1 billion euros to expand its facilities in Shanghai, China. As a result, production capacity will more than double. Total investment, including expansion, exceeds €3 bill...
How would you like to be in a line of business that’s totally crisis proof? You can see for yourself that money doesn’t stink as a MANAGER of pay toilets! When you start up as a toilet cleaner, you will need to make sure that your SEED CAPITAL of 500,000 euros is wisely investe...
2024OthersIn July, the company has invested 2 million euros in Modvion, a Swedish startup known for manufacturing wooden wind towers using laminated veneer lumber. 2023Plans/StrategyIn June, the company announced its plans to acquire Powell Valley for US$40 million. ...
2 milliards d'euros en 2023, et occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Safran s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui préservent les priorités environnementales de sa feuille de route d'innovation ...
has a turnover of around 5 billion euros, and employs around 10,000 people worldwide. Life and nature have been our sources of inspiration for decades. All our raw materials are of natural origin. From them, we enable a whole new plant-based cuisine; we offer pharmaceutical solutions that...
The pensioner from Darmstadt in southwest Germany first made news headlines in 2021, when it was reported that he owned 7 houses and 2 apartments, and had around €500,000 in his bank account. He’s been growing his fortune ever since, recently investing a whopping 700,000 euros into ...