See also California Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) 823 (2024 Edition). Child Abuse. To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must prove that: The defendant willfully inflicted unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering on a child;] [1. The defendant willfully ...
Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions, CALCRIM 1161 –Lewd Conduct in Public (Pen. Code, § 647(a)). To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must prove that: 1. The defendant willfully engaged in the touching of ((his/her) own/ [or] another...
CALCRIM 520; See also California Penal Code 188 PC.California Penal Code 189 PC.California Penal Code 190.2 PC et seq. This section (as well as several subsequent related sections) enumerates more than 20 “special circumstances” that subject defendants to execution or life without the ...
Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (“CALCRIM”) 1160 –Indecent Exposure. (“To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must prove that: 1. The defendant willfully exposed (his/her) genitals in the presence of another person or persons who might be...