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we automatically assign multiple users to the next unassigned machine. To restrict automatic assignment to a single user, sign in to Web Studio, go toSettingsand turn off theEnable automatic assignment of multiple users for Remote PC
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In PCR analysis the specific primer pairs used for MMP-2 were: forward primer, 5'--GTGCTGAAGGACACACTAAAGAAGA--3' and reverse primer, 5'-TTGCCATCCTTCTCAAAGTTGTAGG-3'; Thirty cycles were completed at 94°C for 30s, 58°C for 60s and 72°C for 60s during each cycle. Gelatin ...
mRNA levels of tested genes were normalized to Actin according to the following formula: 2^ –(CT test – CT Actin), where CT is the threshold cycle. Fold of gene expression of PC-3 cells was defined as “1”. Statistical analysis Two-tailed Student’s t-test (parametric) or ...
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CT designed and develop conditions for the SiRNA experiments and the RT-PCR experiments. BY did all the EIA GP88 measurements for all cell lines studied. GS conceived the study, drafted the manuscript, directly guided TA in his studies and provided the input on experimental design and data ...