Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (“CALCRIM”) 1600 (“The defendant is charged with robbery [in violation of Penal Code section 211]. To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must prove that: 1 The defendant took property that was not (his/...
Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (2024 edition). To prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime, the People must prove that: 1. The defendant took possession of property owned by someone else; 2. The defendant took the property without the owner’s [or owner’s...
Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (“CALCRIM”) 1700 –(Pen. Code, § 459). Same. See CALCRIM 1700 – (Pen. Code, § 459), endnote 6 above. Same. PC 461. PC 667. See also People v. Clark (Cal. App. 4th Dist., 2022), 81 Cal. App. 5th 133. PC 461...