美国 差压开关1910-1诺迪19-1诺迪0-1 1诺迪910-诺迪5 19诺迪10.5 诺迪182诺迪3-401诺迪63诺迪8-1诺迪0 182诺迪3-802诺迪-500诺迪0-50MM 0~50MM 压力控制器1823 流量计RMB-55-SSVRMA-25-SSV 压差计Dspan-007 皮带LONG LIFE HIGH TENSION BELT-4.8MM DIA-85A NSN#3030-04-000-7603 法国 压力变送器...
The Slim Silence AM1 cooler comes with a silent 70mm fan. This fan provides high airflow and has an intelligent PWM controller which provides additional air flow only when it is really necessary. With a height of 26mm this heatsink is especially designed for slim chassis with limited space....
同时从遥控器的控制按钮可以看出,这款风扇有三档风速可控,分别是: 标准转速:2000±200-风流量(CFM)90.04-风压(mmH20)2.71 中档转速:2500±200-风流量(CFM)113.16-风压(mmH20)4.15 巨风转速:3300±250-风流量(CFM)151.87-风压(mmH20)7.14 从标准到巨风模式,可以看到标准转速的风流量、风压都优胜于普通风扇,这也...
The Best 200mm RGB Fan Fan Diameter: 200mm RPM Range: 500-1000 RPM Noise Level: 30 dBA Airflow: 118 CFM/200 m³/h Connector: 9-pin CHECK PRICES If you want the best computer case fan, get this one. This is a large, 200mm fan with RGB support that also sports impressive perfor...
Black Hole-200mm Big ARGB ring fan mid-tower case. Designed with ease of build and finished with a premium aesthetic this case is for those wanting to go to the next level without breaking the bank• The front panel is a pre-installed 2x200mm big fan with ARGB light mode controlled....
Case gaming mid-tower RG Strix Helios RGB ATX/EATX realizzato con vetro temperato, telaio in alluminio, bretelle di supporto GPU, supporto radiatore 420mm e Aura SyncDesign ed estetica di alta qualità: realizzato build da esposizione con tre pannelli in vetro temperato, telaio in alluminio ...
电源本身通过80PLUS金牌认证,采用高端的主动PFC+LLC全桥谐振拓扑+12V同步整流+5V/3.3V DC-DC方案,并支持Premium Hybrid Fan Control高级混合风扇停转技术,在50%负载以下风扇停转保持静音,另外电源采用13.5厘米FDB动态液压轴承风扇在满载下也能保证静音效果
品牌 FanLian CPU 赛扬J1800 包装清单 主机 电源 背挂支架 使用说明书 保修卡 合格证等 货号 X6618 TA 型号 X6618 产品尺寸 200mm*200mm*30mm 显卡类型 HD Graphics 688MHz-792MHz 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或...
The 120mm fan located in the middle of the notebook cooler can create an airflow of up to 42.0 CFM, ensuring great cooling efficiency. Space saving and portableMassive 12 RGB uses up minimal space while providing extra cooling. With its light weight, it's also suitable for users to carry...
透明pc耐力板pvc塑料板硬板阻燃薄片材胶片卷材0.1-200mm雕刻切割 ¥10.0 成交3件 东莞市长安源焱塑胶材料商行 3年 源焱塑胶材料 品牌 LED扩散板摄像散光片乳白色PC板 LED灯罩散光板RGB补光灯扩散板 ¥0.8 成交0件 东莞市长安翊飞塑胶厂(个体工商户) 1年 鑫铭达 品牌 厂家乳白色PC扩散板加工磨砂...