遇到华硕一体机ET 27021无法开机的情况,首先需要确认是否为显示器的问题。屏幕显示“PC NO SIGNAL”通常意味着显示器无法接收到电脑发送的信号。在这种情况下,可以先检查电脑内部的风扇是否正常运转。如果风扇没有转动,这可能表明电源、CPU或主板中的某个部件已经出现故障。假如风扇仍在运转,那么可以初步...
Then straight after the screen goes of and says no signal, i have tryed everything thaking the ram out cleaning it and replicing in correctly same with the graphics card (i clean it reguarly so i dont think it a dust issue) no im stuck... Labels: Overclocking Tuning ...
If I turn on the PC with the new graphics card, the "RADEON RX 6800 XFX" LEDs light up and the fans start.The screen does nothing. It's just black. The only thing I can trigger is a "No signal" if I connect the DisplayPort cable I have tried this card in 3 PCs and this is...
5. Have you tried adjusting any display settings within the Windows 11 operating system after installing the Intel Iris Xe drivers, such as resolution or refresh rate, to see if that has any impact on the "no signal" issue? Please consider following the troubleshooting steps provi...
常见的信息包括:Going to Sleep(正在进入睡眠模式)、No signal detected(未检测到信号)、Sync Out of Range(同步超出范围)以及Warning-PC entering power save mode(警告 - 电脑正在进入节能模式)。如果显示器一直显示这些信息,请按照以下步骤操作,直到显示画面恢复正常:首先,确认电脑是否处于开启...
No signal detected(未检测到信号)Sync Out of Range(同步超出范围)Warning-PC entering power save mode(警告 - 电脑正在进入节能模式)如果显示器一直显示该信息,请执行以下操作,直到显示画面:确保电脑处于开启状态。确保连接了视频连接线,并且视频连接线连接的是右视频端口。关闭显示器,此时电脑...
my desktop keeps on saying no signal i tried unplugging it and starting it up again but no luck - 8284246
I get a no signal error on my monitor, my keyboard/mouse are not powered, and I cannot use the power button on the PC. The fans and RGBs inside the PC are running normally, but I have to manually switch off the PSU and wait a few seconds. When this happens, the MSI ...
If ever I accidently turn the PC on while the TV is off, then I sometimes get "No signal" (Unsure why it doesn't always happen). I then need to unplug and plug the HDMI to have Signal Plus / HDR recognized properly. It doesn't seem to matter whether the right H...