PBXN-109型塑料粘结炸药 EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED, CAST PBXN-109 作废 标准号 NAVY MIL-E-82886-1993 1993年 发布单位 (美国)海军 当前最新 NAVY MIL-E-82886-1993 适用范围 该规范规定了军械用铸塑炸药 PBXN-109 的采购要求。 购买 正式版
PBXN-109型塑料粘结炸药 EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED, CAST PBXN-109 作废 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995由(美国)海军 US-NAVY 发布于 1995-01-05。 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995 在中国标准分类中归属于: G33 塑料型材,在国际标准分类中归属于: 23.040 管道部件和管道。
The influence of different RDX sources on shock reaction and sensitivity was evaluated for a standard explosive in which Class 1 RDX is both the major and only detonable ingredient. Shock reaction in PBXN-109 with seven different RDX fills - Type I, Type II, and reduced sensitivity - from ...
An understanding of the explosive's shock sensitivity is of vital importance for the hazard assessment and vulnerability evaluations of munitions. This paper summarizes the experimental and modeling research relating to shock initiation and sympathetic reaction of PBXN-109. The modeling has focused on ...
full-scale experiments, the scaling law of the thermal response process was approximated with that of the thermal conduct process, which was deduced through equation analysis to avoid the difficulty brought by the exponential nonlinearity from the equation of the thermal decomposition of the explosive....
EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED, INJECTION MOLDABLE (PBXN-301) NAVY MIL-E-82740 NOTICE 1-1999 发布历史 NAVY MIL-E-82740 NOTICE 1-1999由(美国)海军 US-NAVY 发布于 1999-07-10。 NAVY MIL-E-82740 NOTICE 1-1999 在中国标准分类中归属于: G33 塑料型材,在国际标准分类中归属于: 23.040 管道部件和管道...
PBXN-109型塑料粘结炸药 EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED, CAST PBXN-109 作废 非常抱歉,我们暂时无法提供预览,您可以试试:免费下载 NAVY MIL-E-82886-1993 前三页,或者稍后再访问。 您也可以尝试购买此标准,点击右侧 “立即购买” 按钮开始采购(由第三方提供)。
NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995PBXN-109型塑料粘结炸药 EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED, CAST PBXN-109 作废首页 标准 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995 发布历史NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995标准号 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995...
PBXN-109型塑料粘结炸药 EXPLOSIVE, PLASTIC-BONDED, CAST PBXN-109 作废 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995 发布历史NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995 非常抱歉,我们暂时无法提供预览,您可以试试:免费下载 NAVY MIL-E-82886 (1)-1995 前三页,或者稍后再访问。