The specific heat of liquid and solid phases and the heats of crystallization and fusion have been measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for a series of Te80Ge20 − x Pbx alloys (0≤x≤20). The enthalpy, entropy, and free energy of the undercooled liquid are quantitatively ...
•Multi-component glasses of Se–Te–Sn–Pb systems have been synthesized.•Role of Pb inclusion on thermo-physical properties of Se–Te–Sn glass has been reported.•Advanced Transient Plane Source (TPS) technique has been used for this purpose.•The composition dependence of the thermal...
SY2000-20(I-A)型数字交换机(最大容量576线) 最大容量 576线 长宽高(mm) 6005001108 主要功能特点: 本系统总端口数为 224 个 JSY2000-20(II-B)系统最大容量576线,内外线可自由配备,来电显
40 MeV 28Si5+ ion induced blue shift in the optical band gap of amorphous Se80xTe20Pbx thin filmsdoi:10.1016/S0168-583X(03)01372-7ChalcogenideBlueshiftIrradiationOpticalbandgapAmorphous thin films of Se80−xTe20Pbx (0 ManinderSinghKambojandRThangarajandD.KAvasthiandSDOSNuclear Instruments ...
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JSY2000-20 (III)型数字交换机(最大容量104线) 最大容量 104线 长宽高(mm) 480200320 主要功能特点: 本系统总端口数为104个 JSY2000-20(III)系统最大容量104线,内外线可自由配备,中继端