Browning R V,Meyer T O.Effects of humidity and other variables on the strength of PBX-9501. 23th Aging, Compatibility and Stockpile Stewardship Conference Proceedings . 2000Browning R V,Meyer T O.Effects of humidity and other variables on the strength of PBX-9501.23th Aging, Compatibility and ...
PBX9501 exhibits nearly invariant fracture strains of 1.5pct as a function of temperature at high strain rates, whereas EDC37 fails at 2 to 2.5pct. The maximum compressive strengths for both PBXs were measured at 150Mpa at 55掳C, but at +55掳C, the PBX was found to have a maximum ...
2023. 0122 冲击加载下 PBX 界面对热点形成和安全性影响 夏全志1 , 吴艳青1*, 柴传国2 , 杨昆1 , 黄风雷1 (1. 北京理工大学 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100081; 2. 中国工程物理研究院 化工材料研究所, 四川 绵阳 621900) 摇摇 摘要: 高聚物粘结炸药( Polymer鄄Bonded Explosive,PBX) 界面结构...
We find that the compressive strength falls with increasing temperature and rises with increasing strain rate. We also find that the new 9501 sugar mock most closely resembles the behavior of the 9501 explosive and differences may be attributable to the different ages of the estane binder used....
Cookoff Violence of PBX 9501 in a Quasi-2-dimensional Configuration: The Effects of Ignition Location and Confinement Strength We describe an experiment to investigate the interplay of confinement strength/inertia, ignition location and 2-dimensionality on the process of deflagrati... GR Parker,MD ...
Plane impact response of PBX 9501 below 2 GPA The plane impact response of PBX 9501 was measured below 2 GPa using a light-gas gun facility. Time-resolved wave profiles were obtained in a state of uniaxial strain for impact stresses between 0.3 to 1.2 GPa. The dynamic strength of PB......
PBX )作为一种结构件需承受一定的载荷作用,建立准确的PBX 材料强度准则对于结构件的安全及可靠性评估至关重要。目前工程中常采用单轴强度(Uniaxial Strength )准则,即当材料第一或第三主应力到达单轴拉伸或压缩强度时即判别材料失效[1]。但PBX 材料服役环境处于复杂应力条件中,且围压对于压缩强度影响显著,简单...
strengthofHMXbasedPBXpressedexplosiveissignificantlychangedbythespatialpositionofdefects , andthe highestdecreasingrangereachesupto75.3%.Thefailuremodesareobviouslydifferentunderdifferentdefectsand thephenomenonofsecondbearingexistswhenthedefectexistanglewithloadingdirectionandthecrackextends ...
The dynamic strength of PBX 9501 was measured at high strain rates in both compression and tension. The Hugoniot equation of state was measured.doi:10.2172/334337J. DickA. R. MartinezR. HixsonLos Alamos National LaboratoryJ J Dick.Plane Impact Response of PBX 9501 Below 2 GPa.. 1998...
PBX 9502 exhibits lower dynamic compressive strength, but is much less sensitive to strain rate and temperature, than PBX 9501. In contrast, the mechanical response of the Kel-F 800 binder is stronger than pure (or plasticized) Estane, but is again less strain rate and temperature dependent. ...