If multiple servers are running on a single host, each must have its own unique port number. This option is for use in testing with multiple batch systems on a single host. -A acctfile Specifies an absolute path name of the file to use as the accounting file. If not specified, the ...
pbs_server is pid 72608 pbs_mom is pid 71804 pbs_sched is pid 71395 pbs_comm is 71785 # /etc/init.d/pbs status pbs_server is not running pbs_mom is pid 71804 pbs_sched is pid 71395 pbs_comm is 71785 pbs_server starts and after a few moments it stops again. $ qstat --version ...
the impact on jobs which were in execution, running, when the server shut down. If the running job is not rerunnable or restartable from a checkpoint image, the job is aborted. If the job is rerunnable or restartable, then the actions described below are taken. When theargument is: ...
All compute hosts must be listed in the /var/scored/pbs/server_priv/nodes file. If scorehosts.db file is already created and scoreboard server is up and running, then the scbd2pbs command creates the nodes file via...
You do not need to run PBS on a high-end computer because any computer capable of running Windows Server 2003 and Internet Information Services (IIS) can run PBS. Just before publishing, ensure that the PBS server is using IIS to run FTP and the Web server service. This is necessary...
You do not need to run PBS on a high-end computer because any computer capable of running Windows Server 2003 and Internet Information Services (IIS) can run PBS. Just before publishing, ensure that the PBS server is using IIS to run FTP and the Web server service. This is necessa...