Emily Yahr
I do not believe that things just happen. As we prepare to end another year and embrace a new one,3 I challenge you to think more deeply about the things that have happened in your past and that happen now and see if you can make connections between them and your purpose. Consider ...
a former captain for the Los Angeles Police Department who's written on and testified in use-of-force cases around the country. Well, Sherrilyn Ifill, let me start with you. It's still early in this investigation. What do you think are the most important facts to learn and who is best...
ROBERT FORD: I think it can't help but do that, because there's large parts of Syria that are basically ungoverned.And just as happened in Afghanistan, just as happened in Somalia, just as has happened in Mali and Yemen, when you have large ungoverned spaces, groups especially like al-...
Is it your plan to deport everyone who is here illegally over the next four years? Well, I think you have to do it. And it's a very tough thing to do, but you have to have, you know, you have rules, regulations, laws. They came in illegally.你的计划是在未来四年内驱逐所有非法...
“I told you. Ronnie opened a door when he agreed to work for Big Sam.” “What’s she got to do with it? Besides, Ronnie’s dead, as you already know,” Tina sighed. To be an angel he sure was simple minded. “Ronnie may be dead, but a door is still open. You are still...
You're presented with a puzzle, 每次我们遇到陌生人,都会有一种期望突然产生。我们脑海中会出现一个谜团, which is, who is this person, what do they want, what are they like, what motivates them? 这个人是谁、他们想要什么、他们是什么样的人、他们做事有怎样的动机。 It's easy to create the ...
PBS信息 速知天下- 美国大部分地区迎来极寒天气 Good evening, I'm John Yang.晚上好,我是杨约翰。Arctic weather has settled in for a weekend visit across much of the nation.美国大部分地区周末都将迎来严寒天气。At one point today a wind chill advisory stretched from parts of Montana all the way...
Cesar, student: (Translated from Spanish) There are people who simply look at you and think you're Hispanic and a gang member or you're involved in bad things. Drugs and stuff like that. But the truth is, it's nothing like that. Because you can't conclude who people are just based...
So, I put it to you, my audience. Who do you hate more, Sidney or Will? There will be a poll at the end of this blog. I remind you, casting your vote for Sidney or Will is not saying you like the other one. How could anyone like either of them?