MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., Civil Rights Leader:I have seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land. JUDY WOODRUFF:He arrived in Memphis in early April that year to support the striking sanitation ...
There was Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and then a jump to Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. We learned about four people in African American history. 有哈丽特·塔布曼,弗雷德里克·道格拉斯,然后是罗莎·帕克斯和马丁·路德·金。我们都知道非裔美国人历史上的四个人物。 Now, where I sit and ...
PBS REEXAMINES ASSASSINATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. (cover story)The article reviews "Roads to Memphis" and "A Ripple of Hope" a collection of documentaries released on DVD format, by PBS.EBSCO_bspCD Computing News
And in terms of civil rights, it was Martin Luther King and that relationship with Gandhi and nonviolence, and that power of love was much more powerful than enmity or violence. 在民权方面,是马丁·路德·金和甘地以及非暴力的关系,爱的力量比仇恨或暴力更强大。 And so that taught me later about...
GWENIFILL:Whenwethinkaboutthecivilrightsmovement,weoftenthinkofmen,hercollaboratorE.D.Nixon,orMartinLutherKing,orevenMalcolmX.Butyouseldomhearaboutthewomen. Andshewasn'tjust—shewasn'ttheonlyone. JEANNETHEOHARIS:No. Imean,soshehasthislongerhistory.She,in1943,seesapictureofafriendinthepaperandrealizes...
JUDY WOODRUFF: The wave of reactions to the Confederate Flag today reached into state capitols across the south.
and personal correspondence to and from family and friends, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Josephine Baker and Langston Hughes, among many others. It also includes interviews with such opera stars as Denyce Graves, George Shirley, J’Nai Bridges, Martina Arroyo, Angela Brown, among others....
And in terms of civil rights, it was Martin Luther King and that relationship with Gandhi and nonviolence, and that power of love was much more powerful than enmity or violence. 在民权方面,是马丁·路德·金和甘地以及非暴力的关系,爱的力量比仇恨或暴力更强大。 And so that taught me later about...