厂商:PBS KIDS 中文名:PBS KIDS Video pbs kids video安卓版是一款免费使用的幼儿英语视频软件,提供儿童喜欢的动漫流媒体;无论你身在何处,都可以为小朋友们提供数小时的学习娱乐视频,全新的剧集,实时更新,走过路过的小伙伴们可千万不要错过了,就快来下载试试吧! PBS KIDS Video官方版亮点 ·为孩子和家长提供了...
PBS KIDSiPad & iPhone Play and Learn Engineering Education The Cat in the Hat Invents Action Molly of Denali: Learning App Education Ready Jet Go! Space Scouts Family Jet's Bot Builder: Robot Games Adventure The Cat in the Hat Builds That ...
PBS KIDS Video, developed by PBS KIDS, is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone systems. The features of this application will be introduced as follows: Child-safe The TV series provided by this PBS KIDS Video are all safe and child-friendly for children. They can watch the TV prog...
PBS KIDS is excited to celebrate the premiere of "Lyla in the Loop" and Love Day in February. Keep an eye out for new videos from Lyla in the Loop and special Love Day themed playlists. PBS Kids Video v6.7.8(Old Version) ► Updated: December 5, 2023 ► What's New in Version ...
The PBS KIDS Video app gives kids and parents access to thousands of videos, including full episodes and clips from top PBS KIDS series. With this app, kids can watch their favorite PBS KIDS shows anytime, anywhere! PBS KIDS, the #1 educational media brand for kids, helps children ages 2...
PBS KIDS Video是一款儿童电视教育软件,内置儿童电视节目都是通过安全保障的,家长可放心让孩子观看,通过儿童电视的方式,教育孩子更加有意义的知识传输,引导孩子健康成长。 介绍 免费观看PBS KIDS的完整剧集和视频!安全地流式传输和下载您孩子的最爱的全部剧集,视频和剪辑,例如丹尼尔·泰格,好奇的乔治,狂野的克拉茨或奇...
Watch all your child’s favorite PBS KIDS shows anytime, anywhere with the PBS KIDS Video app! Now you can live stream educational videos and TV shows to...
🌞暑假即将来临,孩子们的时间安排是否已经满档?如果还没有,不妨试试PBS Kids Video这个宝藏APP!在APP Store中搜索即可下载,无论你的孩子是2岁还是12岁,这里总有适合他们的动画片。🎈动画片质量上乘,即使是成年人也会被深深吸引。我女儿最喜欢的几个动画,如《探险队》、《粉红猪小妹》等,都深受她的喜爱。
美国PBS即Public Broadcasting Service,就是美国公共电视台,是美国政府办的电视台,而PBS KIDS则是这个电视台旗下的电子儿童频道,主要是针对2到11岁小朋友早起阅读能力,数学能力以及社交情感能力的培养。 PBS KIDS Video: Appstore for Android 在美国,它是全免费的,而且高清没有广告,在安卓和apple的APP平台都可以下载...
PBS Kids: Book Buddies!: Inspire a love of reading and enjoy these tales featuring your favorite PBS KIDS bookworms. Daniel Tiger and O the Owl read together at the library. Then, Alma shares books with her community. Plus, Buster reads to win prizes, Wa