Maya & Miguel Candi Milo, Nika Futterman, Elizabeth Peña 1,038 votes Maya & Miguel is a delightful animated series that celebrates cultural diversity, friendship, and the importance of family values. Centered on the lives of twins Maya and Miguel Santos, the show introduces viewers to various...
Susan King, Los Angeles Times
The web site features all of the network's best kids' shows, including but not limited to, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Martha Speaks, Wordgirl, Sesame Street, Arthur and Maya & Miguel. Theseshows are great because they teach lessons about things like sportsmanship and manners, and also teach...
Maya & Miguel Candi Milo, Nika Futterman, Elizabeth Peña 1,040 votes Maya & Miguel is a delightful animated series that celebrates cultural diversity, friendship, and the importance of family values. Centered on the lives of twins Maya and Miguel Santos, the show introduces viewers to various...
Oei, Lily
Lisotta, Christopher