厂商:PBS KIDS 中文名:PBS KIDS Games pbs kids games app是一款提供了各种教育游戏的学习平台,致力于让孩子们在游戏中学习成长;简单易用的用户界面,丰富免费的儿童游戏,适合年幼的孩子进行操作,这些游戏既有儿歌和故事,也有配音练习和听力理解练习,允许家长监控孩子的学习进度,有需要的小伙伴们就快来下载使用吧!
The PBS KIDS Games app has over 100 free learning games with your favorite PBS KIDS characters. Kids can play anytime, anywhere! PBS KIDS Games features games from our top shows, including Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Wild Kratts, Super Why, Arthur, Sesame Street, The Cat in the Hat Know...
PBS KIDS Games makes learning fun and safe with 250+ educational games from your child's favorite shows. Play games with Daniel Tiger, Wild Kratts, Lyla in the…
You are about to download thePBS Kids Games 5.3.16 for iPhone and iPad (iOS 11.0 or Later): PBS Kids Games is a free Education App: PBS KIDS Games, Fun Educational Offline Play... Get Latest Version of PBS Kids Games from App Store Education > PBS KIDS Games Requires iOS: 11.0 and ...
PBS KIDS Games更多来自此开发人员的 App PBS KIDS Video 教育 Daniel Tiger for Parents 教育 Play and Learn Science 教育 Super Why! Power to Read Plum's Creaturizer 教育 FETCH! LUNCH RUSH 游戏 Wild Kratts Rescue Run 教育 Molly of Denali: Learning App...
Start your free lesson now! 4. PBS KIDS Video The platform has an integrated games feature, enabling children to toggle between a PBS KIDS show and an activity that extends learning – creating an all-in-one seamless digital experience. The games align with the learning goals of each TV ser...
PBS Kids Games also provides opportunities for children to learn coding concepts such as algorithms and sequencing. Jenkins notes, "Games from 'LYLA IN THE LOOP' and 'WORK IT OUT WOMBATS!' build on these foundational concepts." Furthermore, the free PBS KIDS ScratchJr app allows children to ...
PBS Kids Games has over 100 free learning games using characters from popular PBS kids shows, including Daniel Tiger, Nature Cat, Dinosaur Train, Wild Kratts,Super Whyand Odd Squad, including others. Geared for children ages 2-8, the games are easy to play and provide kids with fun lessons...
PBS KIDS Games makes learning fun and safe with 250+ educational games from your child's favorite shows. Play games with Daniel Tiger, Wild Kratts, Lyla in the…
PBS KIDS Games是一款专为儿童打造的教育游戏软件,内含丰富的学习游戏,每天都会更新新增不用种类游戏,让孩子一直保持有趣的状态,通过一些游戏的教育,让孩子学习一些学校学不到的东西,助孩子健康成长。 介绍 玩数百款专为您的孩子设计的免费教育游戏。 PBS KIDS Games应用程序通过令人赞叹的游戏(包括Daniel Tiger,Wild...