Best PBS Kids Games Some of the best PBS Kids app to download are: Cyberchase Shape Quest is a cool math game app from PBS Kids, with a focus on geometry, spatial reasoning, and problem solving. Play and Learn Science, where kids can play with shadows, control the weather, roll and sl...
Parents and kids can plan their own “Reboot Eve” celebration using an exclusiveCyberchaseparty kit, including DIY crafts and coloring activities, available now on thePBS Parents website. Educators have a new lesson to add to their curriculum, based on themes in “Creech’s Creature Quandary.”... Choose different size pots to fill a container in the least number of pours. PBS KIDS Privacy Policy. Find your local PBS station. Funding for CYBERCHASE provided by the National Science Foundation, The JPB Foundation, Ernst and Young LLP, The ...
Download apps by PBS KIDS, including PBS KIDS Video, PBS KIDS Stickers, PBS KIDS ScratchJr, and many more.
PBS Kids Animation / Diverse Media Notes / Media Reviews Cartoon review: “Cyberchase” by Anthony DeanMay 11, 20240 Today’s cartoon review is a look at the PBS Kids animated series “Cyberchase,” which debuted in 2002 and teaches basic math skills. Cartoon review: “Cyberchase” Read ...
PBS Kids (partially lost schedule bumpers and interstitial material of TV channel block; 1999-present) PBS Kids Vote-A-Rama (lost bumpers of "Arthur" themed marathon; 2002) Someday School (partially found PBS Kids channel block; 1998-2000) ...