Hacker has stolen it! Can the kids get the time machine back before Hacker resets the course of cyberhistory?! And can Canalians be convinced to protect their future by changing the present? Cyberchaseis produced by THIRTEEN Productions LLC for WNET. Sandra Sheppard, THIRTEEN’s Director of ...
PBS Kids Animation / Diverse Media Notes / Media Reviews Cartoon review: “Cyberchase” by Anthony DeanMay 11, 20240 Today’s cartoon review is a look at the PBS Kids animated series “Cyberchase,” which debuted in 2002 and teaches basic math skills. Cartoon review: “Cyberchase” Read ...
Curious George (lost test pilot of PBS Kids animated series based on books; existence unconfirmed; 2004/2005) Cyberchase "The Poddleville Case" (found test pilot of PBS Kids educational animated series; 1999) Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (lost pitch pilot of PBS Kids animated musical ...