STEPHEN FEE: Yehuda noticed a pattern among the Holocaust survivors called an "epigenetic change" — not a change in the gene itself, but rather a change in a chemical marker attached to it.RACHEL YEHUDA, ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MT. SINAI: "When we looked at their own children, their...
You know, when I see pictures of little children holding battered little things for food, when villages are being burned, this is still going on. I just think the Holocaust should be used as a beacon to show of what hatred and intolerance and all those things which have led to so much...
1960s and beyond – DRIVING WHILE BLACK explores the deep background of a recent phrase rooted in realities that have been an indelible part of the African American experience for hundreds of years – told in large part through the stories of the men, women and children who lived through it...
Born in Germany and orphaned by the Holocaust, her varied life experiences included being trained as a sniper in Israel's war of Independence. Ruth westheimer was 96 years old. 她出生于德国,因大屠杀而成为孤儿,她的一生经历丰富,还在以色列独立战争中接受狙击手训练。露丝·韦斯特海默享年96岁。
were of some value in terms of labor, or they were doctors or craftsmen or architects or engineers. 当然,这意味着,德国人将能够提供某种服务的,有劳动价值的犹太人分离出来,他们可能是医生,工匠,建筑师或工程师。 And the people who suffered most then, of course, were small children without ...
GERDAWEISSMANNKLEIN:Ithink,ofcourse,theimportanceoftheHolocaustshouldonlybetooilluminatethefactthatit—thathatredandtyrannyandallthatisnotover. Itisgoingoneverysingleday.AndIthinkthatweshouldhavemorepeoplecomefromcountrieswhereitishappeningtoseethetypeofpictures.Youknow,whenIseepicturesoflittlechildrenholdingbattered...