Bob the Builder Neil Morrissey, Rob Rackstraw, Kate Harbour 935 votes Bob the Builder is a charming animated series that combines colorful characters, engaging stories, and valuable life lessons. Centered on the adventures of Bob, a builder, and his crew of anthropomorphic construction vehicles, th...
事实上,一组分散的参与者(验证者)是以轮流的方式来构建适合他们的 payload,这可以被视为一个特征。Alice 可能希望她的 payload 被公平地排序,但这里的公平是相对于 Alice 而言的,可能与 Bob 所认为的公平截然不同。在这种情况下,从验证者中删除构建的执行 payload 将是一个问题:我们将不再保证验证者可以随意构...
事实上,一组分散的参与者(验证者)是以轮流的方式来构建适合他们的 payload,这可以被视为一个特征。Alice 可能希望她的 payload 被公平地排序,但这里的公平是相对于 Alice 而言的,可能与 Bob 所认为的公平截然不同。在这种情况下,从验证者中删除构建的执行 payload 将是一个问题:我们将不再保证验证者可以随意构...
NL Bob Rogers NL Laura Wheeland NL Krista Baker NL Luiz Mello PAC Kendra Holt PAC Carrie Holt PAC Jaclyn Cleary PAC Catarina Wor PAC Shannon Obradovich PAC Erika Anderson PAC Cameron Freshwater PAC Brendan Connors PAC Chris Rooper PAC Michael Folkes PAC Lingbo Li PAC Philina English NCR Rob Kr...
NL Bob Rogers NL Laura Wheeland NL Krista Baker NL Luiz Mello PAC Kendra Holt PAC Carrie Holt PAC Jaclyn Cleary PAC Catarina Wor PAC Shannon Obradovich PAC Erika Anderson PAC Cameron Freshwater PAC Brendan Connors PAC Chris Rooper PAC Michael Folkes PAC Lingbo Li PAC Philina English NCR Rob Kr...
Austin local PBS affiliate KLRU visited the home of Pallasart Web Design President and Founder Bob Atchison to film his garden for their program Central Texas Gardener...
Bob the Builder Neil Morrissey, Rob Rackstraw, Kate Harbour 938 votes Bob the Builder is a charming animated series that combines colorful characters, engaging stories, and valuable life lessons. Centered on the adventures of Bob, a builder, and his crew of anthropomorphic construction vehicles, th...