GGA)一起使用,但是我用Multiwfn_3.8这个程序只能设置PBE,还是说只要用的PBE,就默认GGA PBE共用了...
boundary in FeO at Earth’s core pressures. We show that fully anharmonic free energiescomputed with the PBE-GGA + Mermin functional reproduce the experimental phase boundarywithin uncertainties at P > 240 GPa, including the largely negative Clapeyron slope of −52 ± 5MPa/K. This study v...
PBE泛函属于广义梯度近似(GGA)的一种,是GGA-PBE(Gradient-based GGA)的简称。GGA是一种用于密度泛函理论(DFT)的交换关联泛函,可以描述电子之间的相互关联作用。 PBE泛函的主要特点如下: 1. 准确性:PBE泛函在描述电子关联作用方面具有较高的准确性,能够较好地预测材料的物理性质,如晶格参数、电子态密度等。 2. ...
专业: 凝聚态物性 II :电子结构 【答案】应助回帖 INCAR文件的中的GGA项默认值是根据POTCAR中的交换...
Binary metal iodidesWe have calculated Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for I-127 (quadrupolar nuclei I=5/2) in binary metal iodides XI (X=Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs) by using PBE- GGA, YS- PBEO and mBJ exchange correlation potentials. The results show that the nature of ...
首先来看Si的,这里直接上大招,直接对比GGA-PBE泛函和Hybrid-GGA杂化泛函的计算结果。Si带隙的实验值为1.12 eV,GGA-PBE泛函计算的带隙为0.6149 eV,杂化泛函为1.1942 eV,可以看到杂化泛函的带隙结果和实验值吻合的非常好。 能带图。左图为GGA泛函,右图为Hybrid-GGA ...
必应词典为您提供gga-pbe的释义,网络释义: 广义梯度近似;第一性原理;
Electronic and magnetic properties are studied under GGA-PBE scheme. Further, it is improvised using TB-mBJ potential in exchange鈥揷orrelation terms and delivered good results. The integer-valued total magnetic moment of 3渭 B in all cases signifies the half metallicity in reported compounds. ...