It's understandable that a game client as complex as LoL (League of Legends) has some errors sometimes. And the most talked about issue among players
1、进入美测服(PBE)的官网,具体地址:。2、在美测服主页,左上角,找到new这一栏。3、找到其中的GAME UPDATES,即可找到游戏的维护公告。以上就是lol美测服维护公告在哪里看的全部内容,了解更多相关攻略资讯请关注游戏网!
ThePBE serverhas long been subject to a handful of issues, most of which are attributed to large updates being patched in for testing. Like withLeague, Riot holds the PBE to an efficiency standard, so many of these issues are solved promptly. Here is some information on whether the PBE se...
League of Legends latest champion, Aphelios, has hit the PBE, and Riot Games has prepared afeedback threadto all players that wish to participate in the improvement of the champion. Revealed on November 19th, the marksman is making waves in the LoL community for its unusual kit...
League of Legends is a team-based game with over 140 champions to make epic plays with. Play now for free.
“One note onLeagueDirector: consider this release a jumping off point for the community,” Riot Games said in itsofficial announcement, “we’re likely not going to keep updating the public tool with large content updates.” The tool is only available in English but will likely be released ...
against other skilled players. LoL is also updated; new items are added periodically to improve the gamers’ experience. Also, they provide the opportunity to a handful of gamers. A chance to test these new updates, maps, and itemsin a controlled environmentbefore they release in the main ...