技能傷害由 200/400/800 減少至 200/375/750。 (點擊這裡進入S@20原文網頁) 註:PBE只是持續測試的過程,朝令夕改例子很多,且資訊可能與正式版本有些許出入,一切以官網資訊為主。 编辑:小哥手游更 最新游戏消息不定期...
TFT Comps Tier List for TFT Set 13 - Into the Arcane PBE. Discover the TFT Meta and the Best TFT Comps and Builds to play with MetaTFT
Here are all the details in the big “for fun”TFTupdate, according toRiot, and everything you need to know about Set 12Magic n’ Mayhemas it drops into the PBE servers. What’s different about TFT Patch 14.14? The last update of aTFTset lets loose on the meta through memes, jokes,...
Teamfight Tactics will be getting a massive update very soon with patch 9.14. This will not only include the first new champion, Twisted Fate, but also a handful of quality of life changes, major features, and balance changes. Let's take a look at what some of those changes look like on...
本吧热帖: 1-本吧禁止账号租/售的公告 2-求助pbe上去动一下就掉帧怎么办 3-人机匹配进去之后没有英雄可以选择 4-[lbk]收号[rbk]收一个云顶全套至臻小小格温的号 5-斗魂来的11111 6-TFT pbe s14资格 7-pbe电脑重启 8-进不去游戏的问题解决了 9-能匹配但是进不去游戏 10-大乱
Her ult in TFT is the same ult as Summoner's Rift, a big laser that hurts a lot. Lux's trait is that she's an Avatar (unique to her), which just means she will change between the 10 different Elements. Not only that, but her Element will count twice, meaning if y...
It's been nearly a week since TFT was added to the LoL PBE server. Although the server has an honor level requirement of 3 in order to participate, countless players from around the world gathered to give TFT a try. But unfortunately, as a result of the massive influx of players, it ...
Teamfight Tactics will be getting a massive update very soon with patch 9.14. This will not only include the first new champion, Twisted Fate, but also a handful of quality of life changes, major features, and balance changes. Let's take a look at what some of those changes look like on...
You can review the criteria required to join the TFT Mobile PBE and registerhere. When signing up, please be fully aware that the PBE is a testing ground, and a mobile PBE is new territory for our team, so please expect some bugs & instability when jumping in. Additionally, we’re only...