tft mobile..好玩。运气好
tft mobile..就是在手机上玩tft的美测服(美测服的官方叫法即为pbe)。进去是s10赛季。和端游互通,登陆使用的是pbe的拳头账号。成为测试人员需要谷歌账号。去官网填表单申请。(安卓。表格邮箱地址那一栏填谷歌账号
tft mobile..就是在手机上玩tft的美测服(美测服的官方叫法即为pbe)。进去是s10赛季。和端游互通,登陆使用的是pbe的拳头账号。成为测试人员需要谷歌账号。去官网填表单申请。(安卓。表格邮箱地址那一栏填谷歌账号
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《云顶之弈手游(TEAMFIGHT Tactics Mobile)简称“TFT”》是一款拥有经典LOL英雄的自走棋类型手游。去外服提供TEAMFIGHT Tactics Mobile测试服,TFT澳服,云顶之弈手游账号,TFT测试服账号,库存充足与7×24小时在线客服支援,快来购买吧!欢迎进入去外服,更多商品任你选购
tft mobile pbe的说明。 tft mobile pbe的说明。 来自 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-11-17 20:22回复 Poggi. 新手入坑 1 楼主,他这个测试名额是永久的吗,就是下次不需要再申请了那种 来自Android客户端2楼2023-11-18 07:19 收起回复 Poggi...
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TL;DR:Starting early November, as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the TFT Mobile experience a Teamfight Tactics Mobile PBE will open to a limited number of PBE accounts. If you’re interested in helping us test upcoming patches & provide TFT Mobile-specific feedback, read on below f...
TL;DR:Starting early November, as part of our ongoing efforts to improve the TFT Mobile experience a Teamfight Tactics Mobile PBE will open to a limited number of PBE accounts. If you’re interested in helping us test upcoming patches & provide TFT Mobile-specific feedback, read on below f...