If you’ve been searching for a break from the other LoL servers, this is precisely what you need. See what this excellent account has to offer here!
How to download the LoL PBE client Why should I play on the LoL PBE? All current LoL PBE content How to create a LoL PBE account The PBE gives you a glimpse of all the changes before they hit the live servers. Image via Riot Games To create a PBE account, navigate to thePBE sign-...
步骤二:下拉页面,找到CREATE AN ACCOUNT,进行账 号注册(如果玩家不容易看懂可以通过浏 览器翻译功能进行翻译)。 步骤三:按照要求填写完整信息,然后就顺利注册好啦。 《英雄联盟》s10赛季美.测服下载流程 步骤一:同样是进入其官 网 步骤二:下拉界面找到DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS,然后下载拳头客 户端 步骤三:登录账 号...
打开美测服官网,确认右上角地区显示的是PBE,然后页面往下滑动,点击CREATE AN ACCOUNT即可开始注册账号,浏览器是全英文看不懂的,可以右键点击选择翻译,然后根据步骤填写信息即可注册账号。 3、美测服下载安装 账号注册完成后,点击DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS即可下载安装游戏启动器客户端拳头客户端(Riot),注意安装选择存储位置...
Your account can be ofany region(except Korea) and any level If you meet these criteria, you can create your PBE account immediately (given that registrations are open). However, there are numerous ways to get a lol PBE account if you aren’t lucky. Some of the login info of such stat...
点击官网下方CREATE AN ACCOUNT即可打开注册页面,输入一个邮箱即可跟着步骤完成注册,QQ邮箱也是可以的。如果页面上都是英文看不懂,你右键点击一下,看看你的浏览器是否有自带的翻译为中文的选择,谷歌浏览器是有的。 攻略2:LOL美测服pbe怎么下载安装?安装过程中有什么注意事项?安装后怎么打开登录进入游戏?
Once you’re done creating a PBE account, you’ll be forwarded to the download page, where you can pick the PBE client for your operating system. The installation process is identical to the main client. After you install the PBE to your computer, you’ll have two copies ofLeague, but ...
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