产品名称:PCE10 (PBDTTT-EFT) 产品型号:PCE10 (PBDTTT-EFT) 产品厂商:Ossila 产品价格:0 折扣价格:0 产品文档: 简单介绍: PCE10 (PBDTTT-EFT) 详情介绍: General Information Full namePoly[4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl-alt-(4-(2-ethylhexyl...
别名: PCE10/PBDTTT-EFT/PTB7-Th 英国Ossila公司简介 Ossila成立于2009年,是由有机电子研究科学家组成,旨在提供组件,设备和材料,以实现更快,更智能的研究和发现。自那时以来,我们已经发展了诸多产品,并且自豪地向全世界57个国家的600多家不同机构提供我们的产品。 在工业和学术界花了多年时间开发有机和薄膜LED,...
Electrical, optical and structural properties, based on blend of PBDTTT-EFT:PC71BM bulk heterojunction solar cell is investigated. We have shown the presence of PC71BM in the blend facilitates interfaces for charge transfer mechanisms leading to PCEs of ~ 9.38%. GIXRD line profile obtained ...
PBDTTT-EFTPC71BMOPVLifetimeSolarInstabilityOrganic photovoltaic (OPV) devices often undergo 'burn-in' during the early stages of operation, this period describing the relatively rapid drop in power output before stabilising. For normal and inverted PBDTTT-EFT:PC71BM OPVs prepared according to ...
McNeill, Unraveling the Morphology of High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells Based on the Donor Polymer PBDTTT-EFT. Advanced Energy Materials 2015; 5: 1401259.Huang, W. et al. Unraveling the Morphology of High Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells Based on the Donor Polymer PBDTTT-EFT. Advanced Energy ...
Critical light instability in CB/DIO processed PBDTTT-EFT:PC71BM organic photovoltaic devicesdoi:10.1016/j.orgel.2015.12.024Andrew J PearsonPaul E HopkinsonElsa CoudercNeil C Greenham
PBDTTT-EFT known chemically as Poly[4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']dithiophene-2,6-diyl-alt-(4-(2-ethylhexyl)-3-fluorothieno[3,4-b]thiophene-)-2-carboxylate-2-6-diyl)], is a reported organic molecular solid. An attempt has been made through ...