别名:PBDB-T-2F 分子式:C68H76F2O2S8)n 产地:郑州 品牌:汇聚 用途:有机合成,科研实验 中文名称: 聚[(2,6-(4,8-双(5-(2-乙基己基-3-氟)噻吩-2-基)-苯并[1,2-b:4,5-b']二噻吩])-alt-(5,5-(1',3'-二-2-噻吩-5',7'-双(2-乙基己基)苯并[1',2'-c:4',5'-c']二噻吩-4...
PBDB-T-2F/PM6 CAS:1802013-83-7 PBDB-T-2CL/PM7 CAS:2239295-71-5 OPV 受体材料 Y6 / BTP-4F CAS:2304444-49-1 Y6-BO / BTP-BO-4F CAS:2389125-23-7 Y7 / BTP-4Cl CAS:2447642-40-0 Y7-BO / BTP-4F CAS:2414918-25-3 颜河团队AEM:非富勒烯受体的共轭支化侧链助力有机太阳能电池效...
PBDB-T-SF / PCE13 CAS:2370878-93-4 OPV 受体材料 PYT CAS:2418532-47-3 Y6 / BTP-4F CAS:2304444-49-1 Y7 / BTP-4Cl CAS:2447642-40-0 Y5 CAS:2304444-48-0 闵杰团队Joule:利用共轭嵌段共聚物制备单组分有机太阳能电池效率超过11% - 南京知研科技有限公司 关注有机光电前沿,掌握前沿资讯;关注...
In this work, an analysis is presented of both the degradation and the photo-degradation of inverted organic solar cells (iOSCs), with the PM6 (PBDB-T-2F):Y7 (BTP-4Cl) blend without any additive as the active layer. PDINO and MoO 3 are used as electron and hole transport layers (...
Chemical structure of PBDB-T-2Cl (PCE14) Device Structure(s) The device structure of the certified device was: ITO /ZnO(30 nm) /PBDB-T-2Cl:ITIC-2F(100 nm) / MoO3(10 nm) / Al (100 nm) PBDB-T:ITIC-2F solution details:
人物简介: 何小兰,曾担任新疆紫罗兰食品有限公司等公司高管。 老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 更新时间:2024-02-05关联企业0 担任法定代表人0 担任股东0 担任高管0 所有任职企业0 作为最终受益人0 所属集团0 历史信息2 曾担任法定代表人 曾担任股东 ...
Y6 exhibits power conversion efficiencies(PCEs)of 16.37%with lower open circuit voltage(Voc)but higher short circuit current voltage(Jsc)and fill factor(FF)than that of the device based on PM6:Y6.This work provides an effective approach to find polymer matches for the SMAs with upshifted ...