据内部消息透露,OpenAI初步计划为其新设立的慈善分支估值高达300亿美元,但在微软140亿美元投资所能换取的股份比例问题上,双方尚未达成共识。 据悉,有多位知情人士透露,OpenAI的PBC(Public Benefit Corporation,公益股份公司)部门预估价值约300亿美元,然而这一估值的最终确定仍需时日。其中一位消息人士进一步指出,该估值的...
防止敌意收购、外部干涉,OpenAI计划重组为公益企业(public benefit corporation,PBC),作为重组计划的一部分,OpenAI将保留非营利实体的身份,该实体将独立存在并拥有重组后公益企业的股份,而奥特曼将领导新成立的公益企业,专注于开发技术、构建产品以及“需要做的一切以实现商业成功”。分析认为,这种架构有抵御激进投资者收购...
Read our Annual Public Benefit Report, which outlines our public benefit impact beyond shareholder profitability.
Finsophy is a financial technology company developing an ecosystem for transparent and mission-oriented capital.
#OpenAI为何要重组为PBC公司#【OpenAI为何要重组?既能赚钱又兼顾公益,还能防止被微软恶意收购】估值达1570亿美元的OpenAI加速开启组织架构的变革。金融时报最新报道称,OpenAI考虑重组为PBC公司(public benefit corporation,公共利益公司),以防止恶意收购,并保护该公司CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)免受外界干涉。报道称,...
这家人工智能初创企业上周获得了66亿美元的新融资,正计划重组为一家公益公司(Public Benefit Corporation)。多名熟悉该公司思路的人士表示,这种PBC结构的一个关键好处是,它有可能阻止不想要的收购或激进分子的要求。这意味着现有的投资者,如微软或其他方,如果他们试图收购OpenAI,可能会感到沮丧。OpenAI的PBC结构将有...
update Bluesky PBLLC to PBC (Public Benefit Corporation) (bluesky-soc… Browse files …ial#1453) main (bluesky-social/social-app#1453) bnewbold authored Sep 14, 2023 Verified 1 parent b9268d5 commit 37252e9 Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whi...
PBCPublic Benefit Corporation PBCPublic Building Commission PBCPermanent Building Committee(various locations) PBCPontifical Biblical Commission PBCPolar Bear Club PBCPhyllis Browning Company(San Antonio, TX) PBCPeace Building Commission PBCPredominantly Black College ...
public benefit corporation (PBC)social enterprisehospitality industry'The Town Kitchen, PBC' (TTK) is a set of cases that may be taught alone (Case A) or in sequence (Cases A&B). Case A focuses on both structural and executioAnderson, Shannon W....
Based in the US, and founded in 2022, Uplifter Brands, PBC (Public Benefit Corporation), operates as a purpose-driven and science-backed brand upliftment company. The firm was formed by the merger of Prospect Farms and The Uplifters’ PRIMA, PBC, a portfolio company of Greycroft Partners, ...