1.9 • 7 Ratings Free Description Introducing a faster, easier way to pay for all your Palm Beach County cases/citations. Quickly and securely search for and pay your citations. Get reminders for upcoming due dates and keep track of all your receipts with PayitClerkPBC. ...
Clerk and Comptroller Palm Beach County. Clerk of the 15th Circuit Court. Discover The Palm Beaches Florida. pbcgov.org Departments http://www.pbcgov.org/departments.htm Jump to Main Content. Palm Beach County: Home. CareerSource Palm Beach County*. Head Start and Children's Services. ...
(roller for Palm Beach . County, heleb)' publishes. a. llst of ASSIS ATER ATIr pursuant tO court order. BACKMAN You may vi.~l the Clerk & eomf)1roller's website· at ~ \WER ~ . f o r lhe 6Sl; of unclaimed fuidS'with case numbe,a and detaded insln.!CliOns 01\ mng ...
3E-1 0 PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 13, 2011 (X) Consent ( ) Regular ( ) Ordinance ( ) Public Hearing Department Submitted By:___C~o=m=m=u=n=it"""y._S;;;_e=rv'--"-'-'ic;..;;e=s.___ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sub...
between Palm Beach County and The Florida Department of Transportation, a copy of which i attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and the Chair of the Palm Beac , Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk of the Board are authorized to sign same on behal of the ...
289 Engineering & Public Works Administration / Budget Approval OFMB Department - Posted SIGNATURE ~-~JL)~ DATE "-11..loi ATTACHMENT 4 By Board of County Commissioners At Meeting of 07/22/08 Deputy Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners TASK TO ANNUAL CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT ...
Sharon R. Bock, Clerk & Comptroller Circuit Courts By:--- Deputy Clerk Palm Beach County Florida, by its Board of County Commissioners By:--- Addie L. Greene, Chairperson APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By:--- Assistant County Attorney EFFECTIVE DATE: Filed with the Department...
BOCK, CLERK & COMPTROLLER CIRCUIT COURT BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deputy Clerk F:\TRAFFIC\AGREEMN'I\2007\Amendment #2_PBC&FDOT_Furniture.doc 2 Contract No.: AN-554 FM No: 231930-1-A8-01; 404825-1-AS-01 Vendor No: VF 596-000-783 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND ...
BOCK CLERK AND COMPTROLLER COMMISSIONERS: PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deputy Clerk "ITNESS: ./ LJy;JUi!i:AU,a;,06 h Signatur _ Jk,QJ --:-, --:) / I By:--- John F. Koons, Chairman SPEAKER: ((~().__"+ 0 Signature ~ usq_n 5. Ha.eri...
BOCK, CLERK & COMPTROLLER PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Political Subdivision of the State of Florida BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deputy Cl erk By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ County Attorney APPROVED...