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Indium has a melting point as low as 156℃. It forms many kinds of low melting temperature eutectic solder with Sn, Pb, Ag,etc. Indium base solder shows excellent oxidation resistance towards alkaline media. Its wettability on metal and
市场都已经朝着75bp去走,50bp早就price in的事情,收回最近预期75pb那段跌了一个寂寞,缩表部分也低于预期,缩的还相对温和,好处就是五月流动性极速收缩暂时解除,坏处就是通胀继续高挂,而我们会不会涨...不一定。但是起码不会暴跌,港股也跌了一个寂寞,今天恒生反包a股刚好也能收一个小阳,但是我们的问题还是在于...
Elastic electron-scattering cross sections from Pb have been measured for 0.5 fm<q<2.24 fm. The charge distribution for this nucleus is determined by a "model-independent" method; it exhibits a bump in the center of the nucleus which is also a characteristic feature of Hartree-Fock calculation...
Cuban, American and European cigars contained low levels of Pb. Cigars from the remaining countries contained twice as much Pb. The mean Po/Pb ratio showed an excess of polonium. In the case of a one cigar-a-day smoker, the calculated annual absorbed dose due to Po is -16 mGy. 展开 ...
相比之下, PETCO2運動在75 %最大攝氧量時比在休息和運動在40 %最大攝氧量( pb0.001 )時低。 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 相比之下,在 75% 的顶峰 VO2 的锻炼期间的 PETCO2 是更低的比在休息中和在 40% 的顶峰 VO2 的锻炼期间 (pb0.001)。
49In 50Sn 51Sb 52Te 53I 54Xe 55Cs 56Ba 57-71La-Lu 72Hf 73Ta 74W 75Re 76Os 77Ir 78Pt 79Au 80Hg 81Tl 82Pb 83Bi 84Po 85At 86Rn 87Fr 88Ra 89-103Ac-Lr 104Rf 105Db 106Sg 107Bh 108Hs 109Mt 110Ds 111Rg 112Cn 113Nh 114Fl 115Mc 116Lv 117Ts 118Og 查看本题...
It has been found that both dielectric constant and the dielectric loss are highly dependent on frequency and temperature and also found to increase with increasing concentration of Pb in binary a-Se 75 In 25 glassy system. The results have been interpreted in terms of increase in the density ...
Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-0 isotopes and whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry of granitoids in the Jinshajiang suture zone, SW China: Constraints on petrog... Zircon U-Pb ages,Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry of granitoids in the Jinshajiang suture zone,SW ...
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