SVS SB-2000 Subwoofer Performance Features Build Quality Value SVS PB-2000 Subwoofer Performance Features Ergonomics Value PRICE $700, $800 AT A GLANCE Plus Room-friendly form factor (SB-2000) Outstanding build quality 45-day in-home trial period Minus No built-in parametric equalizer ...
火力十足 SVS SB-2000/PB-2000低音炮 作为主流影院配置里一个常青树,美国炮王SVSound的2000系列是一个绕不开的经典之作,强劲的功率、良好的性价比让他在主流影院市场多年来堪称一个常青树一般的存在。 同样的材料装入不同的箱体 很多玩家刚开始不清楚SB-2000/PB-2000它们两者之间的联系?又有什么样的差异?其实SB...
全世界销量最多,专利最多,获奖次数最多,用户评价最好的美国音响品牌SVSound低音炮以其世界级的低音品质,无与伦比的品牌价值享誉全球。SVSound在2014年推出的新款低音炮PB2000以其极致的低音效果和无可比拟的品质,再次刷新世界上所有高性能的低音炮产品品质的标杆。前不久PB 2000更是获得了影音极品器材大赏——年度人...
But when bass was needed, the PB-2000 and SB-2000 subwoofers were more than up to the task. Clean and clear, these subs were able to shake my pant legs in a medium-sized home theater. They can provide bass that will hit you in the chest one moment, and disappear into the musical ...
SVS completely revamped their 2000 series with the release of their 2000 Pro subwoofers. We can report that the 2000 Pro subs are far more improved than just adding a smartphone app. Read on.
用户可以通过SVS Subwoofer DSP Smartphone App远程调控低音炮的音量、DSP功能以及自定义预设等,操作简便且稳定流畅。此外,APP内还设置了电影、音乐等常用预设模式,方便用户根据不同类型的娱乐需求进行快速调整。 三、设计细节 SVS PB-2000 Pro的箱体呈长方形,设计方正且高贵大方。其木皮外饰和金属网罩不仅美观耐用,...
PB-2000 Pro也与旗舰一样,支持手机APP操作。在苹果App Store下载了SVS 手机APP程序:SVS Subwoofer ...
I'm looking to buy a subwoofer for my small office (2.5m width x 3.9m length x 2.4m height) and I'm not sure what to purchase. I'll be ordering online so organising a return will be a royal pain - at my own expense - so want to ensure I pick the right sub! Primary u...
SVS SB-2000 and PB-2000 Subwoofers.The article evaluates the SVS SB-2000 and PB-2000 Subwoofers from the company SV Sound.VaughnDavidSound & Vision
You would want the PC-2000 or PB-2000 for that, from an SVS subwoofer. If you are interested in extension down to 20 Hz in a 20' x 20' room, go for a ported subwoofer. G gfmucci Enthusiast Mar 3, 2017 #23 Then the Hsu vtf-2 MK 5 would be better than the SVS SB...