Benefitting from the reversible phase transition between antiferroelectric and ferroelectric states, antiferroelectric materials have recently received widespread attentions for energy storage applications. Antiferroelectric configuration with specific a
The structure of PSCs is generally a light-absorbing perovskite, two layers of electron and hole transfer material (ETM and HTM) of organic or inorganic on either side of the perovskite, and metal contacts (usually ITO or FTO with low electrical resistance and high optical conductivity) at the...
Table 1. The resultant phase fraction, atomic coordinate, site occupancy, lattice parameters, and R factors for Mn 0 and Mn 2 specimens obtained by Rietveld refinement of their XRD patterns. SamplePhase fractionSite labelxyzSite occupancyLattice parameter (Å)R factor (Rb/Rf/Rwp) (%) Mn 0...
This permits a direct comparison with the atomic structure of 'classical' cube-on-cube oriented Pb inclusions in Al. From these observations it is concluded that the 'classical' cube-on-cube orientation relationship is the energetically favoured configuration since the lowest number of misfit ...
Tetragonal Mo5PB2, a recently discovered superconductor, is an extension of transition metal binaries with general formula T5M3. A large number of physical properties of Mo5PB2, including elastic properties and their anisotropy, acoustic behavior, electronic (charge density distribution, electron densit...
The compositions of the original SAC105 and SAC108 solder balls prior to BGA attachment were determined quantitatively using atomic emission spectroscopy (AES). The results in Table 6 indicate that the original solder balls were within specification and there are no compositional anomalies, particularly...
annealing temperature and duration on perovs- kite film composition and morphology and to characterize the perovskite films formed, we employed X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-vis), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) ...
For determination of average particle size and zeolite’s morphologies, the electron imaging (EM) microscopy technique was applied. The elemental compositions of the samples were investigated by EDS mapping to evaluate the atomic composition. Chemical surface analyses on the studied samples were performed...
The Pb(II) concentration in these samples was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (PerkinElmer AAnalyst 400, Waltham, MA, USA). The mass of aqueous lead adsorbed onto the adsorbents was computed using Equation (1): 𝑞𝑡=(𝐶𝑜−𝐶𝑓)𝑉𝑊qt=Co−CfVW (1) Here, ...
Atmospheric pressure single dielectric barrier open air plasma discharges in the 'needle electrodeairgap-glass barrier-plane electrode' configuration are generated by a high voltage (5 kV) AC source operating at a frequency of 20 kHz and investigated by means of optical emission spectroscopy (OES)....