PB-2000 Pro也与旗舰一样,支持手机APP操作。在苹果App Store下载了SVS 手机APP程序:SVS Subwoofer ...
SVS completely revamped their 2000 series with the release of their 2000 Pro subwoofers. We can report that the 2000 Pro subs are far more improved than just adding a smartphone app. Read on.
无论是深沉的电影背景音,还是激昂的音乐节奏,PB-2000 Pro都能轻松驾驭,带来身临其境的听觉体验。 二、智能操控 与前代产品不同,SVS PB-2000 Pro支持手机APP操作。用户可以通过SVS Subwoofer DSP Smartphone App远程调控低音炮的音量、DSP功能以及自定义预设等,操作简便且稳定流畅。此外,APP内还设置了电影、音乐等...
SVS SB-2000 Subwoofer Performance Features Build Quality Value SVS PB-2000 Subwoofer Performance Features Ergonomics Value PRICE $700, $800 AT A GLANCE Plus Room-friendly form factor (SB-2000) Outstanding build quality 45-day in-home trial period Minus No built-in parametric equalizer ...
Review: The SVS ported PB-2000 and sealed SB-2000 subwoofers sport custom 12" drivers, a new 500 watt amp with DSP, performance below 20Hz, and a price-tag less than $800. The SVS 2000 series subs.
搭配SVSound 最新推出的Prime系列7.0影院音箱,为您带来震撼的听觉享受。 高品质的木皮外壳,镶嵌SVSound品牌的弧形金属网罩,PB-2000现代风格的设计较以前有了很大突破。考虑到它惊人的性能,PB2000仍然保留了原有的大尺寸和重量。PB2000新款以其流畅的线条,时尚的外观,震撼的效果,超值的价格,成为低音炮产品的首选。
SVS SB-2000 and PB-2000 Subwoofers.The article evaluates the SVS SB-2000 and PB-2000 Subwoofers from the company SV Sound.VaughnDavidEBSCO_AspSound & Vision
Oppo BDP-103 Blu-ray player, and Andrew Jones Pioneer- branded surround speaker rig. The regular sub in this system is an SVS SB-3000, so the new 1000 Pro series models had some very big shoes to fill since I find that the SB-3000 provides the best value of any subwoofer that I've...
与前代SVS PB-2000 不同的是,SVS PB-2000 Pro也与旗舰一样,支持手机APP操作。在苹果App Store下载了SVS 手机APP程序:SVS Subwoofer DSP Smartphone App。该程序无论是对于自身听音的练习提升,还是对房间低频高效的校准,都有非常明显的帮助,特别是远程遥控十分的简单、高效且方便。
原版的 SVS PB-1000 凭借其价格及其他优势,以无与伦比的性能震撼了低音炮世界。现在,PB-1000 Pro 通过更高的低频输出能力,更深的低至17Hz低音下潜,更强性能的双倒相孔设计以及对用户体验的大幅提升,进一步提高了同类产品标准。 PB-1000 Pro是对原来10英寸驱动器的完全重新构想,它采用全新的12英寸长冲程扬声器,...