If you want to track which loan is currently being repaid, check the latest payroll results and look at the value of the User Key 1 field on the Accumulators page. This page displays the loans that are currently being paid off. The loan with the highest priority is being paid off first...
After the system processes the check through final update, you can change the pay status to an alphabetic code. A user defined code (07/ES) that identifies an employee's status within the company. You can change the default codes or set up new codes to meet the needs of your company. ...
If not in the calculation, the check box is cleared and unavailable for selection. Note. The amount always appears, so it isn't an option here. See Also Chapter 10, "Printing and Viewing Payslips," Overriding Payslip Delivery Options, page 109 Chapter 10, "Printing and Viewing Payslips,"...