TransactionSearch接口的主要功能是允许开发者根据特定的搜索条件来查询和过滤PayPal账户中的交易记录。通过该接口,开发者可以获取交易的详细信息,如交易金额、交易状态、交易时间等。 由于TransactionSearch接口已弃用,建议开发者使用PayPal的新接口来实现类似的功能。PayPal提供了一系列新的API和工具,如REST API、Express Che...
Currently, the REST APIs can be used to get history of only those transactions that were created using the REST APIs. Use the Classic TransactionSearch API operation to retrieve a history of the transactions that were created using the Classic APIs and JavaScript Buttons. 原来REST API并不能获取...
3. Call API Method 1TransactionSearchResponseType searchResp =newTransactionSearchResponseType();2searchResp = service.transactionSearch(searchReq); 根据传入的查询参数,获取的Transaction基本信息都包含在searchResp中,例如TransactionID,交易时间,金额等。 然后根据得到的TransactionID列表,可循环再调用getTransactionDet...
1.Payments API:When creating, processing, or refunding payments. 2.Transaction Search API:When getting the transaction history of your PayPal account Causes of the PERMISSION_DENIED Error 1. Insufficient Permissions: The PayPal business account used does not have the necessary permissions to perform t...
需要带上两个参数:METHOD=GetExpressCheckoutDetails&TOKEN=DJFJSLDFJS ,这个API并不是必须调用,建议调用来获取订单信息和订单状态,比如金额等做风控校验。响应码详情请参考: ...
另外的参数还支持传入对方账号,货币种类,特定的transactionId等等,具体参考官方SDK。 3. Call API Method 1 TransactionSearchResponseType searchResp = new TransactionSearchResponseType(); 2 searchResp = service.transactionSearch(searchReq); 1. 2.
$paypal_api_username, 'PWD' => $paypal_api_password, 'SIGNATURE' => $paypal_api_signature, 'METHOD' => 'TransactionSearch', 'VERSION' => $version, 'STARTDATE' => '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z', // 开始日期 'ENDDATE' => '2022-01-31T23:59:59Z', // 结束日期 ); // 发送API请求 ...
If you don't have a reconciliation process or are unsure whether that process identified a completed transaction, you can use the TransactionSearch API to locate any transactions that took place when the error occurred. If the API returns a result matching your transaction,...
无论是海淘个人买家,还是海外交易的跨境商家,全球支付平台PayPal为你带来快捷、安全的收付款解决方案。更多PayPal放心海外购,全程外贸交易保护,尽在 PayPal中国官网!