Since when is it mandatory to have a mobile phone, and be demanded to give it out or lose access to something you've been using for the last 15 years??? Anyone know how to log in past this **bleep**? Login to Me Too Login to Reply or Kudo Temp20221203k New Community Member ...
Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey] = tempCartId.ToString(); } } return HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey].ToString(); } public List<CartItem> GetCartItems() { ShoppingCartId = GetCartId(); return _db.ShoppingCartItems.Wh...
temp122020111y New Community Member Options Dec-19-2011 10:20 PM I recently changed banks and therefore obviously don't have the same cards for paypal to use. So I came on to update all of my account information so I could actually use paypal. However there is one major flaw in...
Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey] = tempCartId.ToString(); } } return HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey].ToString(); } public List<CartItem> GetCartItems() { ShoppingCartId = GetCartId(); return _db.ShoppingCartItems.W...
{varpayout = invoice.WriterPayouts.FirstOrDefault();//gotta check if we are already paying this user.varf = tempFundsBeingPaid.Where(x => x.UserId == payout.UserPaidId).FirstOrDefault();if(f !=null) {if(f.ActiveInUserAccount >= (f.AmountToWithdraw + (double)invoice...
if( ShipAddress.Load( (int) Temp ) ) this.Invoice.UpdateShippingAddress(ShipAddress); } if(!this.Invoice.Validate()) { this.AddValidationErrorsToBindingErrors(this.Invoice.ValidationErrors); this.ShowError(this.Invoice.ValidationErrors.ToHtml()); ...
payPalUtils.startPay(newBigDecimal(currentItem.price),"USD",“OrderNumber”); IOS端 首先是导入第三方jar,在Podfile内加入如下代码,最后别忘了运行 pod install pod 'PayPal-iOS-SDK' 导入完需要在头文件加入如下代码,同时如果发现报错,需要按照下面截图手动加入一些文件。
if( ShipAddress.Load( (int) Temp ) ) this.Invoice.UpdateShippingAddress(ShipAddress); } if(!this.Invoice.Validate()) { this.AddValidationErrorsToBindingErrors(this.Invoice.ValidationErrors); this.ShowError(this.Invoice.ValidationErrors.ToHtml()); ...
Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey] = tempCartId.ToString(); } } return HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey].ToString(); } public List<CartItem> GetCartItems() { ShoppingCartId = GetCartId(); return _db.ShoppingCart...
Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey] = tempCartId.ToString(); } } return HttpContext.Current.Session[CartSessionKey].ToString(); } public List<CartItem> GetCartItems() { ShoppingCartId = GetCartId(); return _db.ShoppingCart...