在你新增手機號碼後,我們便可透過簡訊聯絡你,為你的帳戶提供服務。因此,我們建議你能定期檢視並更新你在 PayPal 帳戶註冊的手機號碼,以確保維持最新狀態。 在PayPal 網站上新增、變更 或 移除 電話號碼的方式如下: 前往「設定」。 在「 電話號碼 」區段中: 按一下「 + 新增 」...
Welcome to www.Onlinelogins.com, your free guide to account setup and login problems. Visit www.signinsupport.net for the full guide! PayPal Login. How Do I Log In to My PayPal? The direct link to the US login page can be foundhere. Full Paypal Login Guide: PayPal Login(FREE) Other...
如要移除电话号码,请点击号码旁的移除。(仅在您的PayPal账户内添加有两个号码的前提下您才可以对其中一个号码进行移除操作。) 要在应用中添加、更改或 移除 电话号码,请执行以下操作: 轻触用户信息图标。 轻触账户信息。 轻触电话号码。 如要添加新的电话号码,轻触+添加电话号码,输入号码,然后轻触添加。 如要编辑...
If connecting with the onboarding process is not possible (e.g. due to lack of login credentials), the PayPal account can also be connected with manually created API credentials. Note: PayPal Payments can only determine the available advanced features (Advanced Card Processing, Apple Pay, Googl...
Adding a "+" in the telephone number creates the following error: Payments.PayPalSmartPaymentButtons error: One or more errors occurred. ({"name":"INVALID_REQUEST","message":"Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violat...
I am trying to pass my customer's phone number to populate the field in the guest checkout but no matter where I put it, it seem to be ignored. This is the code that I am using. ` $addr1="First line of address AM"; $addr2="Second line of...
(Constants.SECURITY_TOKEN, null); String os = "Android"; String provider = "paypal"; String caltureCode = "he-IL"; String phoneModel = android.os.Build.MODEL; String androidVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE; double lat = user.getSelfLocation().getLatitude(); double lon = user...
This extension fixes three problems with PayPal Standard that have persisted since version 1.4: 1. State tax not getting passed to PayPal 2. Phone number not getting passed to PayPal 3. Shipping, Handling, Discounts & Taxes being sent as a SINGLE combined line item to PayPal Cannot BELIEVE Op...
If you just remove the phone number it should work fine with the email alone. If you want to use the phone number you just need to make sure that user has verified their phone with PayPal for use. Hope that helps. Let me know if you still have problems. Reply ...
Login & Security Seller Tools PersonalBusiness How do I confirm my phone number? Here's how to add and confirm your phone number: Go to your Settings. Under the "Phone Numbers" section, click + Add New (or Change next to the phone number you want to confirm if you're updating your...