这时系统要求输入Master卡或Visa卡的资料,如你没有,可在选取下方的"Add Credit Card Later"直接进入下一步。 注意这里的信息卡必须为国际卡(目前中行、工行可申请,具体申请方法附后) 如果有信用卡,依次填入以下信息 First Name:名 Last Name:姓 Credit Card Number:信息卡号码 Expiration Data:有效期 Card Verific...
PayPal Credit is an open-end (revolving) credit card account offered by Synchrony Bank (the “Lender”). By applying for this account, you agree:Read More To these Terms and Conditions, which include the Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which will govern your account, including a resolving...
1、登录自己的帐户,点左上角的Add credit card 2、进入新的页面后在Credit card number:填入16位国际信用卡号 3、Expiration date:填入到期日,在卡的正面可以找到(比如我的是06/09,也就是2009年6月到期) 4、在Card verification number:填借记卡的验证号,就是背面卡号后面的最后三位数字(不是卡号的最后三位,...
PayPal Credit is an open-end (revolving) credit card account offered by Synchrony Bank (the “Lender”). By applying for this account, you agree: Read More To these Terms and Conditions, which include the Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which will govern your account, including a resolving...
1.登陆你的Paypal帐号.在左上按Add credit card进入. 2.credit card number:填卡号(应该是16位. 3.card verification number:填你借记卡背面卡号后面的最后三位数字(不是卡号的最后三位,是在卡号后面另外的三位. 4.type:选择你的借记卡是什么卡,牡丹国际visa借记卡当然选visa咯! 5.expiration date:选...
Please keep your funding source information current (e.g. credit card number and expiration date). If this information changes, we may update it using information and third-party sources available to us without any action on your part. If you do not want us to update your card information,...
Water, electricity, gas, telephone or Internet bill(水电煤气电话网络账单)Credit card bill or ...
1.登陆Paypal帐号,按左上方的Add credit card或Chinese Unverified。2.进入新的页面后在credit card number:填入16位国际借记卡号3.在card verificationnumber:填借记卡的验证号,就是背面卡号后面的最后三位数字(不是卡号的最后三位, 是在卡号后面另外的三位)。4.expiration date:填入到期日,在卡的正面可以找到,...
Advanced Card Processing PayPal Payments offers two ways to accept credit card payments: Standard Card Payments –These payments display a branded Debit or Credit Card button and have a pre-built user experience. Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments (Advanced Card Processing) –This method provi...
Your telephone number The email address that you used to register your PayPal account A statement for the bank account or credit card linked to your PayPal account Step 3: Secure your PayPal account If your PayPal was hacked, it’s crucial that you tighten your account’s security measures to...