I really like this phone but the swiper just don't work. Hope its on the next PayPal Here update. I don't understand why the swiper don't work for this phone. Login to Me Too Login to Reply or Kudo SadieKate Contributor Options Oct-10-2012 03:44 PM The paypal credit ...
Please use a valid credit card. [L_SEVERITYCODE] => Error ) ) Reply Andrew Angell on March 1, 2013 at 1:24 pm Thanks for pointing that out. I had the expiration of the demo card set to 022013 which is now expired, so that’s why it was returning that error. I got that ...
I used my 'paypal here' on my iphone4 for first time friday nite. worked gr8. easy to use and the customers were really impressed too! one question right now is this...why does it not show the customers name on the invoice after swiping their credit card on the invoice?. Is there ...
tbare: the site you provide for a cable for $8 does not work more importantly the cable doesn't even have the right configuration for using a mobile credit card reader. If anyone is struggling with a 3.5mm card reader not fitting with a case like otterbox then the cable you want is ...