SAP 付款周期(Payment term) 下载积分: 300 内容提示: SAP 根据付款周期实现付款折扣 Contents 1. Baseline date 基准日期的确定 ... 2 2. Payment term - Cash discount付款折扣设置 ... 3 3. Payment term付款周期的设置 .
SAP 付款周期(Payment term)SAP 根据付款周期实现付款折扣 Contents 1.Baseline date 基准日期的确定 (2)2.Payment term - Cash discount付款折扣设置 (3)3.Payment term付款周期的设置 (4)
1、SAP Payment Terms收付款条件的设置分类:Other 2007-11-22 16:50 10924人阅读(0) ftfc 举报paymentsap文档 dateSAP Payment Terms中文翻译为 收付款条件,他的用途是应收和应付的财务凭证中帐期的管理,顾名思义即手动录入和自动生成的财 务文档多少天内未冲销处理则为正常,否则为超期应收应付财务文档!他包含...
Hi All, I am trying to create a payment term.For my customer and i want to create a payment where i can pay the amount in installment. I hear that in SAP we can do so
SAP付款周期(Paymentterm)SAP 根据付款周期实现付款折扣 Contents 1.Baseline date 基准⽇期的确定 (2)2.Payment term - Cash discount付款折扣设置 (3)3.Payment term付款周期的设置 (4)1. Baseline date 基准⽇期的确定 实际业务中,Baseline date ⼀般都采⽤供应商开出发票的⽇期(MIRO 中的Invoice...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi, Looking for help. I have to create payment terms as below for a customer who is also a vendor Payment should be due 60 days from the invoice date with 30th of the month to be fixed date. I have created a payment term as below for the above ...
Day Limit – SAP标准的解释是: Day of the month up until which the corresponding terms are valid.其实就是当前日期的是否附件该会议条件的使用,如果是就会自动计算Baseline date ,否则需要手动去输入。 Description – 每一个payment terms的描述。
This is an example of Payment Term, in which we mention our cash discount rate.All the Payment Terms are stored in a Table "T052" and there is a condition type SKTO ,which retreives this cash discount rate from this Table while you process a Sales order. Delivery & PGI Actually, in...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN Material Ledger Hi expert, Can we set payment term for each material in mm01 ? regardsKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments (1) former_member27 Product and Topic Expert ...