SAP 付款周期(Payment term) 下载积分: 300 内容提示: SAP 根据付款周期实现付款折扣 Contents 1. Baseline date 基准日期的确定 ... 2 2. Payment term - Cash discount付款折扣设置 ... 3 3. Payment term付款周期的设置 .
SAP f</3 System -J Office 5 LOOSttS l> _J Materials Manaosment ▽ j Sates and Dctrfcution ▽_i Master Data D □ Business partners > 口 Products A」Condttons 0 LJ Output l> _l Agreements I 0© 88 - Term? of payment OVSG ・ Incoterms ...
SAP 付款周期(Payment term)SAP 根据付款周期实现付款折扣 Contents 1.Baseline date 基准日期的确定 (2)2.Payment term - Cash discount付款折扣设置 (3)3.Payment term付款周期的设置 (4)
Payment Term ? ?测试 Payment Tertm. in Credit Memos 从参考文档中确定收付款条件 InviMce-folaied Credit Metros, tutowque 13、nf in vote m r PoyTmnt I terms from mvoK Enter Incoming Invoice; Company Code 1000 ( show PO $trucnj Show wortibri 巧Hold Simulagl 亘 fi Cred. Mm tub. Inv...
Payment terms 会用在FI/SD/MM中,SD/MM最后汇总到FI都将直接影响到他的payment date。 SD 定义路径: SAP -> Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Others -> OBB8 – Terms of Payment . SAP -> IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Business Partners -> Customer ...
业务称之为‘3-3-3-1’付款条款。 对于这种类型的供应商,其SAP里的Payment Term如何设置? 方案有二: 方案A: 1)业务部门下达采购申请购买某大型设备,一个行项目; 2)采购部门等采购申请完成审批之后,将采购申请转为采购订单的时候,把PR里的一个行项目,按照3-3-3-1的比例,拆分成4个航项目,在同一个采购订...
SAP 根据付款周期实现付款折扣 Contents 1.Baseline date 基准⽇期的确定 (2)2.Payment term - Cash discount付款折扣设置 (3)3.Payment term付款周期的设置 (4)1. Baseline date 基准⽇期的确定 实际业务中,Baseline date ⼀般都采⽤供应商开出发票的⽇期(MIRO 中的Invoice date 、payment term ...
现金折扣cash discount基准日期Baseline date净到期Due net周期periods折扣周期百分比率部分金额应付 Payable inpaitial amounts5 天内 Within 5 days r 下个月30 号 on 3 0 of next monthPayment Term®:4 9、 位宇符Change Viewof Payment: DetaflsDay Limit为结算 日主礎,加表示当月 020日时系统选 择该...
Hi All, I am trying to create a payment term.For my customer and i want to create a payment where i can pay the amount in installment. I hear that in SAP we can do so
"Incoterm ", stands for "International chamber of commerce term of Liability of Freight for goods in transit". There are various Incoterm,like FOB, EXW etc , you can see all these in the dropdown in the incoterm field in, customer master>sales area >billing tab.They are used as agreed...