aWe received the payment information your client has just made today, and i wish to inform you that the money has been withdraw. Therefore first thing tomorrow morning the salting dot code will be process and shall be given to you to deliver to your client. 我们收到付款信息你的客户刚制作了...
text, or SMS to ensure that your client submits their payment. Send a reminder message on the same day every week to keep the client informed of their overdue account status. In these messages, your tone should be firm and polite, reiterating the different terms and any fees or interest ...
使用SocketServer时,如何解决较高概率接收不到 client.on("message", (value: SocketInfo) 中的回调问题 如何判断使用的是移动蜂窝网络 如何监听网络变化 http请求如何以表单形式进行传输 如何实现http长连接 如何实现http并行下载 udp协议是否有提供框架 udp服务信号是如何发送和接收 request和requestInStrea...
After the customer payment succeeds,Antomsends a payment result notification to the merchant. The address that is used to receive the notification is specified when sending the payment request. After receiving the notification, the merchant must return a receipt acknowledgment message toAntom. If you...
"client-id": "T_111222333", The example below shows the body of the message you send to Alipay: {"result": {"resultCode":"SUCCESS","resultStatus":"S","resultMessage":"success"} } If no such message is returned to Alipay due to operation or network issues, Alipay will automatically ...
4. One week late reminder message If your customer’s payment is a week late, it’s time to let them know about late fees that may apply if they don’t make the payment soon. Hi [Client Name]. We still haven’t received the [$ amount] payment for Invoice [#], which was due on...
This allows you to easily request payment from an appointment or from an invoice by sending a payment request text message or an email to your customer. Once received by your client, he or she is able to submit a payment to you with a few easy taps. So, Why Add Message Pay? Texting...
The better your numbers are, the more attractive your company becomes as a client. Then, research the gateways you'd like to negotiate a better rate with—gateways plural: your current provider might not be willing to push rates down, but if you promise another to move into their platform,...
The fourth payment reminder message is crucial because your business is losing money due to non-payment. In this mail, create a sense of urgency, use a firm tone, and ask for confirmation that the message was received. The final payment reminder is your business's last try to collect overd...
expandrequest parameter. This parameter is available on all API requests, and applies to the response of that request only. You can expand responses in two ways. In many cases, an object contains the ID of a related object in its response properties. For example, aChargemight have an associ...