FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE: 1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. 2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.Tags php MySQL Database Payment Hub System in PHP online payment using paypal payment ...
Payment是一个集成了 支付宝支付、微信支付、招商支付的PHP SDK。服务端开发者将它集成到自己的项目中,可以方便的通过相同的操作方式进行各项支付操作。不再需要开发者去单独了解支付宝、微信、招商的接口文档。以发起支付举例,开发者只需要通过: try { $str = Charge::run(支付类型, 配置文件, 支付数据); } cat...
License The code for Payment is distributed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE).About Payment是php版本的支付聚合第三方sdk,集成了微信支付、支付宝支付、招商一网通支付。提供统一的调用接口,方便快速接入各种支付、查询、退款、转账能力。服务端接入支付功能,方便、快捷。 Topics payment alipay ...
Payment是一个php版本的支付聚合第三方sdk,集成了微信支付、支付宝支付、招商一网通支付。提供统一的调用接口,方便快速接入各种支付、查询、退款、转账能力。 展开 收起 暂无标签 PHP PHP 100.0% MIT 使用MIT 开源许可协议 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂...
Payment.php Home> SourceCode/Document >Internet-Socket-Network>WEB(ASP,PHP,...)> View Code Payment.php [view] Upload User:aiblms Upload Date:2008-08-22 Package Size:631k Code Size:1k Category: WEB(ASP,PHP,...)...
在下文中一共展示了Payment::fromJson方法的5个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的PHP代码示例。 示例1: get ▲点赞 7▼ /** * Look up a particular payment resource by passing the payment_id in the request URI. ...
edd_insert_payment_note($source_id, __('Payment completed.','pronamic_ideal'));/* *@see *@see
Complete reference documentation for the Stripe API. Includes code snippets and examples for our Python, Java, PHP, Node.js, Go, Ruby, and .NET libraries.
Complete reference documentation for the Stripe API. Includes code snippets and examples for our Python, Java, PHP, Node.js, Go, Ruby, and .NET libraries.
Users can use more than 35 banks and e-wallet partners (including BDO, Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI), RCBC, Metrobank, Chinabank, and UnionBank) for online payments within the Shopee app. Properties The following table lists the product properties supported byShopeePay: ...