Amount of a payment. Payables prints an asterisk next to any payment amount associated with a voided payment. Cleared Date. Date a payment cleared the bank. Cleared Amount. Amount of a payment that cleared the bank. Void. Payables prints Yes if a payment is void and No if a payment...
Use the Payment Audit by Voucher Number Report to review payments with assigned sequential voucher numbers. If you enable the Sequential Numbering profile option, either you or Payables can assign a unique, sequential number to each payment you create. You can also use this report to review assig...
Oracle Cloud Payables allows both manual and batch processing of payments due. Best Practices dictate that most payments should be done using a batch payment process. Manual payments should be done only on an exception basis. This discussion will focus on batch payment processing using Oracle ...
1. In the Automatic Payment Programs window enter a descriptive name for your payment program in the Name field. Suggestion:When considering a name, we recommend that you include your program's payment method in the name. For example, Payables uses Evergreen Check Format to describe the predefi...
In the Confirm Payment Batch window, Payables records checks 100-101 as Setup. You record checks 102-109 as Printed. Choose Restart Payment Batch. When Payables prompts you to enter the document number with which it should resume printing, enter 110. Payables restarts processing the remainder of...