Script for Rubber Ducky and Arduino that avoids the use of the browser. arduino script hid rubber-ducky payload duckyscript vbs ducky-wifi ducky ducky-payloads malduino bad-usb hid-injection Updated Jun 23, 2017 125K / Rickroll_MODDED_HID Star 9 Code Issues Pull requests Awesome modificat...
The Official USB Rubber Ducky Payload Repository hid pentesting hak5 usb-rubber-ducky payloads keystroke-injection duckyscript badusb hotplug security-tools ducky-payloads hacking-tools usbrubberducky hak5-rubber-ducky Updated Sep 24, 2024 PowerShell 1N3 / IntruderPayloads Star 3.7k Code Issues...
we should do some further recon and perform some privilege escalation/data exfiltration. But I’ll save those for later. Next time, we’ll be creating a better payload that will have a better chance getting past anti-virus, and eventually we’ll use the USB rubber ducky to deliver that pa...
These scripts can be used on either the USB Rubber Ducky or the Flipper Zero. For more detailed documentation, refer to the docs of each of these products. I will warn you that this repo was created with the Flipper Zero in mind (personally I just have this folder in my /badusb/ folde...
For people who can't buy or are too cheap to buy RubberDucky, DigiSpark Attiny85 is the solution to their problems. Because it's possible to use it as HID thanks to "DigiKeyboard.h" it can be use as keyboard to send keystrokes to computer which can be use for pranking your people ...
Supports your favorite Hak5 gear - USB Rubber Ducky, Bash Bunny, Key Croc, Shark Jack, Packet Squirrel & LAN Turtle! Become a PayloadStudio ProandUnleash your hacking creativity! OR Try Community Edition FREE Payload Studio Themes Preview GIF ...
DuckyScript for Packet Squirrel commands and adds many new commands and features. In general, payloads from the original Packet Squirrel can be adapted to run on the Packet Squirrel Mark II by adopting the new commands - check out thePacket Squirrel Mark II Payload documentationfor more ...
Use to convert into Arduino Sketch (options for single run, 2 seconds startup delay): -i raw.bin -l 1 -f 2000 -o sketch.ino After setting up the Arduino IDE load the example "DigisparkKeyboard" and replace the Sketch source by the one saved tosketch.ino...
Translator from USB-Rubber-Ducky payloads (Ducky script) to a Digispark code. DISCLAIMER: Usage of this program is only allowed within boundaries of law. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Usage: python3 Duckyspark_translator....
Place desired BadUSB/DuckyScript™ payload(s) in the same folder as BadPS. Use the syntaxes below for script you want to execute or to enter Dev Mode. Enjoy!BadPS Examples: .\BadPS.ps1 <badusb_file.txt> - Launch a BadUSB payload .\BadPS.ps1 --update - Update BadPS to current ...