import type { CollectionConfig } from 'payload/types' import { admins } from '../../access/admins' import { anyone } from '../../access/anyone' import adminsAndUser from './access/adminsAndUser' import { checkRole } from './checkRole' import { ensureFirstUserIsAdmin } from './...
Document and field-level hooks for every action Payload provides Built with Typescript & very Typescript-friendly Intensely fast API Highly secure thanks to HTTP-only cookies, CSRF protection, and more 🚀 Quick Start Before beginning to work with Payload, make sure you have all of the required...
Document and field-level hooks for every action Payload provides Built with Typescript & very Typescript-friendly Intensely fast API Highly secure thanks to HTTP-only cookies, CSRF protection, and more Request Feature 🗒️ Documentation Check out the Payload website to find in-depth documentation...
/** * 积分记录 */ import { CollectionBeforeChangeHook, CollectionConfig } from 'payload/types'; import { PointsRecord as PointsRecordType } from '../payload-types'; import { getPayloadClient } from '../get-payload'; // @see /...
hooks Provide Field Hooks to control logic for this field. More details. access Provide Field Access Control to denote what users can see and do with this field's data. More details. hidden Restrict this field's visibility from all APIs entirely. Will still be saved to the database,...
eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.0 直接依赖 npm @aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso 3.470.0 间接依赖 npm @jest/schemas 29.6.3 间接依赖 npm @aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso 3.460.0 间接依赖 npm @types/webidl-conversions 7.0.3 间接依赖 npm color-string 1.9.1 间接依赖 npm terser 5.21.0 间接依赖...
hooks Provide Field Hooks to control logic for this field. More details. access Provide Field Access Control to denote what users can see and do with this field's data. More details. hidden Restrict this field's visibility from all APIs entirely. Will still be saved to the database,...
Document and field-level hooksfor every action Payload provides Built with Typescript & very Typescript-friendly Intensely fast API Highly secure thanks to HTTP-only cookies, CSRF protection, and more 🚀 Quick Start Before beginning to work with Payload, make sure you have all of therequired ...
plugin-form-builder: hooks do not respect transactions (#5069) (82e9d31) remove collection findByID caching (#5034) (1ac943e) richtext-lexical: do not remove adjacent paragraph node when inserting certain nodes in empty editor (#5061) (6323965) uploads: account for serverURL when retrieving...
payloadcms/payload最新发布版本:v3.0.2(2024-11-21 05:11:39)2.0.2 (2023-10-09) Bug Fixes beforeOperation hooks now correctly only run once (e5d6a75) 相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip) 查看:2023-10-16发行的版本微信小程序 MyGit:GitHub仓库更新&通知小工具...