Payload CMS大胆地将自己描述为“Headless CMS 和应用程序框架”。虽然我们不会将用户界面称为“Head”,但Headless仅指没有专属前端的框架。内容管理系统 (CMS) 只是一个操作结构化数据的框架。例如,如果数据是一个博客,那么被管理的内容就是帖子。什么是 Payload页面很好地阐述了这一困境,并试图解释其自身的角度。
Clone the repo to your computer (git clone cdinto the new folder by runningcd ./payload-3.0-demo Copy the.env.local.exampleby runningcp .env.local.example .env.localin the repo, then fill out the values including the connection string to ...
Payload CMS大胆地将自己描述为“Headless CMS 和应用程序框架”。虽然我们不会将用户界面称为“Head”,但Headless仅指没有专属前端的框架。内容管理系统 (CMS) 只是一个操作结构化数据的框架。例如,如果数据是一个博客,那么被管理的内容就是帖子。 什么是 Payload页面很好地阐述了这一困境,并试图解释其自身的角度。
Payload CMS大胆地将自己描述为“Headless CMS 和应用程序框架”。虽然我们不会将用户界面称为“Head”,但Headless仅指没有专属前端的框架。内容管理系统 (CMS) 只是一个操作结构化数据的框架。例如,如果数据是一个博客,那么被管理的内容就是帖子。 什么是 Payload页面很好地阐述了这一困境,并试图解释其自身的角度。
Clone the repo to your computer (git clone cd into the new folder by running cd ./payload-3.0-demo Copy the .env.local.example by running cp .env.local.example .env.local in the repo, then fill out the values including the connection st...
我们来看看 Payload,一个有趣的 CMS 和应用程序框架选择,如果您不需要将前端和后端绑定在一起的话。 译自Introduction to Payload, a Headless CMS and App Framework,作者 David Eastman。 Web 开发有趣的一点在于,它始终试图将视觉设计与数据设计融合在一起。虽然它们需要在网站和 Web 应用程序中结合使用,但...
npx create-payload-app Schedule a Demo Schedule a Demo Payload is the open-source Next.js backend used in production by the most innovative companies on earth.Code-first for developers.Content-first for marketers. Use Payload to build anything. Or everything. Headless CMS Headless eCommerce ...
Payload needs to inject some requirements into your Next config in order to function properly. To installwithPayload, you need to import it into yournext.config.jsfile. Here's an example: // next.config.jsconstpath=require("path");const{withPayload}=require("@payloadcms/next-payload");module...
Explore the docs·Try Live Demo ⭐Why Payload? Payload is a CMS that has been designed for developers from the ground up to deliver them what they need to build great digital products. If you know JavaScript, you know Payload. It's acode-firstCMS, which allows us to do a lot of th...
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